Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 58 81.0

line true false branch
64 0 20 if (_is_win() and $fork)
70 0 5 $no_import ? :
5 15 if $use_ok
71 2 18 if $require_ok
73 1 19 if (ref $check eq 'CODE') { }
77 15 4 unless $checks
78 8 17 unless $code
79 17 8 $name ? :
80 17 8 if (ref $test eq 'CODE')
86 0 20 unless ($search_path)
92 19 1 unless $except
94 8 12 if ($fork)
105 0 38 if $before_hook and &$before_hook($code, $class, $count)
107 0 32 if $after_hook
112 4 10 $count > 1 ? :
120 20 18 unless ($fork)
126 0 18 unless defined $pid
128 12 6 if ($pid) { }
142 3 23 $fork && $fork == 2 ? :
149 0 26 if (my $e = $@)
155 26 0 if (&Test::More::ok($ret, $test_name)) { }
156 2 24 if ($show_version)
158 1 1 if (my $version = ${"${class}::VERSION";})
165 0 0 defined $ret ? :
175 9 13 unless $lib
181 2 20 $shuffle ? :
195 2 3 if &$f()
202 4 1 unless $module eq $_
206 0 20 $^O && $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? :