Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 30 50.0

line true false branch
42 7 0 if ('Test::Builder'->can('done_testing')) { }
47 0 6 defined $num_tests ? :
55 0 5 unless $_[0]{'Done_Testing'}
73 7 0 if ($DONE_TESTING) { }
77 0 0 unless $tb->{'Have_Output_Plan'}
105 4 33 if ('skip_all' eq ($_[1] || ''))
109 2 2 if defined $running_test and $running_test eq $callpack
114 12 21 if ('tests' eq ($_[1] || ''))
116 0 12 if ($tab_builder->{'test_nowarnings_loaded'}{$callpack})
139 38 94 unless $caller
140 0 94 if ($FORBIDDEN{$caller} and not $_[0]{'Test::Aggregate::Builder'}{'ignore_timing_blocks'})
145 0 0 $test ? :
211 48 0 unless $self->{'Test::Aggregate::Builder'}{'check_plan'}
214 0 0 if 'Test::Aggregate' eq $package
219 0 0 if $callpack and $subroutine =~ /::(?:BEGIN|END)\z/