Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 223 370 60.2

line true false branch
25 118 14 if ref $_[0]
44 30 0 if ref $_[0]
372 79 2 if defined $init{'cols'} and $init{'cols'} > 0
374 79 2 if defined $init{'rows'} and $init{'rows'} > 0
392 819 4 unless defined $func
563 0 77 unless defined $string
566 835 1079 if (defined $$self{'_buf'}) { }
567 835 0 if ($string =~ s/^(.)//s)
569 3 832 if ($ch =~ /[\x00-\x1F]/s) { }
577 410 669 if ($string =~ s/^([^\x00-\x1F\x7F\x9B]+)//s) { }
669 0 elsif ($string =~ s/^(.)//s) { }
594 0 0 unless defined $option
607 0 4 unless defined $option
608 0 4 unless defined $value
609 0 4 unless defined $$self{'opts'}{$option}
624 0 15 if $row < 1
625 0 15 if $row > $$self{'rows'}
629 0 15 if (defined $startcol and defined $endcol)
648 0 212 if $row < 1
649 0 212 if $row > $$self{'rows'}
653 0 212 if (defined $startcol and defined $endcol)
673 0 0 if $row < 1
674 0 0 if $row > $$self{'rows'}
679 0 0 if (defined $startcol and defined $endcol)
695 0 0 if ref $_[0]
699 0 0 unless defined $source
700 0 0 unless defined $dest
702 0 0 if $source eq $dest
703 0 0 if $dest eq "\a\000"
708 0 0 if ($sfg != $dfg or $sbg != $dbg)
713 0 0 if ($sbo > $dbo or $sfa > $dfa)
717 0 0 if $sul > $dul
718 0 0 if $sbl > $dbl
719 0 0 if $srv > $drv
721 0 0 if (scalar keys %off > 2) { }
0 0 elsif (scalar keys %off > 0) { }
728 0 0 if $dbo > $sbo
729 0 0 if $dfa > $sfa and not $dbo > $sbo
730 0 0 if $dul > $sul
731 0 0 if $dbl > $sbl
732 0 0 if $drv > $srv
734 0 0 if scalar keys %on > 0
749 0 0 if $row < 1
750 0 0 if $row > $$self{'rows'}
752 0 0 unless defined $startcol
753 0 0 unless defined $endcol
755 0 0 if $startcol < 1 or $startcol > $$self{'cols'}
756 0 0 if $endcol < 1 or $endcol > $$self{'cols'}
757 0 0 if $endcol < $startcol
768 0 0 unless $char =~ /./
788 2 408 if $$self{'_xon'} == 0
792 407 1 if ($$self{'opts'}{'LINEWRAP'} == 0)
793 0 407 if $width < 1
804 234 173 if $$self{'x'} > $$self{'cols'}
811 3 2 if ($width > 0) { }
824 2 0 if ($$self{'x'} > $$self{'cols'})
846 0 672 unless defined $name
850 2 670 if ($$self{'_xon'} == 0)
851 1 1 if $name ne 'XON'
855 0 671 if (not defined $func) { }
870 0 835 unless defined $$self{'_buf'}
871 0 835 if length $$self{'_buf'} < 1
872 0 835 if $$self{'_xon'} == 0
874 32 803 if ($$self{'_inesc'} eq 'OSC') { }
534 269 elsif ($$self{'_inesc'} eq 'CSI') { }
13 256 elsif ($$self{'_inesc'} =~ /_ST$/) { }
875 0 32 if ($$self{'_buf'} =~ /^0;([^\007]*)(?:\007|\033\\)/) { }
1 31 elsif ($$self{'_buf'} =~ /^1;([^\007]*)(?:\007|\033\\)/) { }
1 30 elsif ($$self{'_buf'} =~ /^2;([^\007]*)(?:\007|\033\\)/) { }
0 30 elsif ($$self{'_buf'} =~ /^\d+;([^\007]*)(?:\007|\033\\)/) { }
0 30 elsif (length $$self{'_buf'} > 1024) { }
920 0 13700 if length $$self{'_buf'} < length $suffix
922 13473 227 if substr($$self{'_buf'}, length($$self{'_buf'}) - length($suffix), length $suffix) ne $suffix
935 0 227 unless (defined $func)
951 0 307 if (length $$self{'_buf'} > 64)
961 1 12 if ($$self{'_buf'} =~ s/\033\\$//) { }
0 12 elsif (length $$self{'_buf'} > 1024) { }
985 5470 255 if substr($$self{'_buf'}, 0, length $prefix) ne $prefix
990 0 255 unless (defined $func)
1005 0 1 if (length $$self{'_buf'} > 8)
1028 0 7 if $lines < 1
1087 3 8 unless defined $num
1088 0 11 if $num < 1
1090 4 7 if $$self{'y'} >= $$self{'srt'}
1102 186 9 unless defined $num
1103 0 195 if $num < 1
1105 186 9 if $$self{'y'} <= $$self{'srb'}
1113 0 0 if (defined $$self{'_buf'} and $$self{'_inesc'} eq 'OSC') { }
1125 0 0 if $$self{'x'} < 1
1137 3 1 if (defined $num and $num eq '3') { }
1147 1 17 unless defined $col
1148 0 18 if $$self{'x'} == $col
1151 0 18 if $$self{'x'} < 1
1152 1 17 if $$self{'x'} > $$self{'cols'}
1158 1 5 unless defined $num
1167 1 4 unless defined $num
1187 0 1 unless defined $num
1188 0 1 if $num < 1
1191 0 1 if $$self{'x'} < 1
1197 1 2 unless defined $num
1198 0 3 if $num < 1
1206 2 2 unless defined $num
1207 0 4 if $num < 1
1210 0 4 if $$self{'x'} > $$self{'cols'}
1216 45 57 unless defined $row
1217 68 34 unless defined $col
1218 0 102 if $row < 1
1219 0 102 if $col < 1
1220 1 101 if $row > $$self{'rows'}
1221 1 101 if $col > $$self{'cols'}
1236 1 2 unless defined $num
1237 0 3 if $num < 1
1252 1 2 unless defined $num
1253 0 3 if $num < 1
1257 1 2 if $todel > $width
1261 2 1 if $$self{'x'} > 1
1268 2 1 if $$self{'x'} > 1
1284 0 15 unless defined $top
1285 0 15 unless defined $bottom
1286 0 15 if $top < 1
1287 0 15 if $bottom < 1
1288 0 15 if $top > $$self{'rows'}
1289 0 15 if $bottom > $$self{'rows'}
1290 0 15 if ($bottom < $top)
1312 2 6 unless defined $lines
1313 0 8 if $lines < 1
1318 0 8 if $$self{'y'} > $$self{'srb'}
1319 1 7 if $$self{'y'} < $$self{'srt'}
1341 0 0 unless defined $num
1342 0 0 if ($num == 6) { }
0 0 elsif ($num == 5) { }
1356 1 2 unless defined $num
1357 0 3 if $num < 1
1361 1 2 if $todel > $width
1365 2 1 if $$self{'x'} > 1
1374 2 1 if $$self{'x'} > 1
1386 1 2 unless defined $num
1392 0 1 if $num == 0 and $$self{'x'} == 1 and $$self{'y'} == 1
1394 1 2 if ($num == 0) { }
1 1 elsif ($num == 1) { }
1448 1 2 unless defined $num
1452 1 2 if ($num == 0) { }
1 1 elsif ($num == 1) { }
1483 3 255 if (defined $$self{'_buf'} and $$self{'_inesc'} =~ /OSC|_ST/)
1495 3 181 if $$self{'opts'}{'LFTOCRLF'} != 0
1511 0 53 if ($$self{'opts'}{'LINEWRAP'} != 0 and $$self{'x'} >= $$self{'cols'})
1527 0 53 if $spaces > $width
1529 53 0 if ($spaces > 0)
1531 15 38 if $$self{'x'} > $$self{'cols'}
1545 1 2 unless defined $num
1546 0 3 if $num < 1
1550 1 2 if $toins > $width
1554 2 1 if $$self{'x'} > 1
1561 2 1 if $$self{'x'} > 1
1573 2 6 unless defined $lines
1574 0 8 if $lines < 1
1579 0 8 if $$self{'y'} > $$self{'srb'}
1580 1 7 if $$self{'y'} < $$self{'srt'}
1629 0 0 if defined $name
1630 0 0 unless (defined $func)
1631 0 0 $flag ? :
1665 5 25 if $#parms < 0
1668 5 32 if ($val == 0) { }
4 28 elsif ($val == 1) { }
3 25 elsif ($val == 2) { }
2 23 elsif ($val == 4) { }
2 21 elsif ($val == 5) { }
2 19 elsif ($val == 7) { }
1 18 elsif ($val == 21) { }
1 17 elsif ($val == 22) { }
0 17 elsif ($val == 24) { }
0 17 elsif ($val == 25) { }
0 17 elsif ($val == 27) { }
7 10 elsif ($val >= 30 and $val <= 37) { }
1 9 elsif ($val == 38) { }
1 8 elsif ($val == 39) { }
7 1 elsif ($val >= 40 and $val <= 47) { }
1 0 elsif ($val == 49) { }
1709 0 1 unless defined $row
1710 0 1 if $$self{'y'} == $row
1712 0 1 if $$self{'y'} < 1
1713 0 1 if $$self{'y'} > $$self{'rows'}
1757 0 2 if $#state < 0
1794 0 2 if $#state < 0
1813 1 1 if $$self{'opts'}{'IGNOREXOFF'}