Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 22 54.5

line true false branch
18 0 0 if (defined $i and $i =~ /%s/) { }
42 0 0 unless (/$sub_delimiter/)
63 0 1 unless (/$sub_delimiter/)
68 1 0 if ($last_bg eq '') { }
89 0 0 unless (/$sub_delimiter/)
131 7 228 if ($status == 0 and $_ eq $_[0]) { }
138 220 15 if ($status % 2 == 0) { }
139 15 205 if ($_ eq '#') { }
8 236 elsif ($last_brace ne '' and $_ eq $braces{$last_brace}) { }
148 8 7 if ($_ =~ /\[|\{|\(/) { }
180 0 0 if ($value ne "")