Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 23 84 27.3

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
482 0 0 $$self{'config'}{'automultiline'} and scalar @{$$self{'lines'};}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
13 9 1 0 (caller())[0] eq 'Term::ReadLine' and $] < 5.008
177 0 0 0 $$self{'config'}{'comment_begin'} and not grep({not $_ =~ /^\s*\Q$$self{'config'}{'comment_begin'}\E/;} @{$$self{'lines'};})
186 0 0 0 length $line and length $line > $$self{'config'}{'minline'}
293 0 0 0 defined $ENV{'CLICOLOR'} && !$ENV{'CLICOLOR'}
322 0 0 0 $rprompt and $l < $$self{'term_size'}[0]
482 0 0 0 $$self{'config'}{'automultiline'} and scalar @{$$self{'lines'};} and not grep(/\\\\$|(?
525 0 0 0 $$self{'pos'}[1] == $#{$$self{'lines'};} and not length $$self{'lines'}[-1]
551 0 0 0 $$self{'completions'} and @{$$self{'completions'};}
593 0 0 0 not @compl and $compl =~ /\w$/
597 0 0 0 not @compl and $compl =~ /\w$/
623 0 0 0 length $match and not $compl[-1] =~ /^\Q$match\E/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
90 0 3 $in || *STDIN{'IO'}
0 3 $out || *STDOUT{'IO'}
174 0 0 join("\n", @{$$self{'lines'};}) || ''
250 3 0 $$self{'keymaps'}{$mode} ||= {}
426 54 5 substr($$buf[0], 0, $$pos[0], '') || ''
640 24 3 $cnt || 1
653 8 32 $cnt || 1
696 0 0 $end || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
100 0 24 3 $$self{'config'}{$_} ||= $_config{$_}
101 0 21 0 $$self{'keymaps'}{$_} ||= $_keymaps{$_}
158 0 0 0 $$self{'config'}{'title'} || $$self{'appname'}
249 0 3 0 $mode ||= $$self{'config'}{'default_mode'}
340 31 11 0 $mode ||= $$self{'config'}{'default_mode'}
357 0 2 0 $$self{'keymaps'}{$mode}{'_class'} ||= $class
360 29 11 0 $$self{'keymaps'}{$mode}{'_class'} || $$self{'class'}
403 30 3 0 $start || $$self{'pos'}
462 0 0 5 $hist_p < 0 or $$self{'hist_p'} > $#{$$self{'history'};}
602 0 0 0 $$self{'config'}{'autolist'} or $preview
612 0 0 0 $$meta{'start'} || $end - $lw