Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 97 142 68.3

line true false branch
313 0 0 if $self->silent
317 0 0 if ($@)
325 0 0 if $^O eq "MSWin32" or $^O eq "cygwin"
326 0 0 if ($@)
335 0 0 unless ($result)
468 5 21 if @_ == 2
478 0 21 if @_ != 1
485 15 6 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH')) { }
492 0 21 if (my(@bad) = grep((!exists {"ETA" => undef,"bar_width" => undef,"count" => undef,"fh" => \*::STDERR,"lbrack" => "[","major_char" => "=","max_update_rate" => "0.5","minor_char" => "*","name" => undef,"rbrack" => "]","remove" => 0,"silent" => 0,"term" => undef,"term_width" => undef}->{$_}), keys %config))
497 0 21 unless defined $target
505 15 6 unless defined $config{'term'}
507 16 5 if ($__FORCE_TERM) { }
0 9 elsif ($config{'term'} and not defined $config{'term_width'}) { }
511 0 16 if $config{'term_width'} < 5
514 0 0 if $config{'term_width'} < 5
517 16 5 unless (defined $config{'bar_width'})
518 12 4 if (defined $config{'term_width'}) { }
522 29 7 defined $config{$_} ? :
525 5 7 if defined $config{'name'}
527 1 11 if defined $config{'ETA'}
528 0 12 if ($config{'bar_width'} < 1)
538 0 4 if $config{'bar_width'} < 1
686 985 21 unless @_
687 0 21 if @_ != 1
688 0 21 if $_[0] < 1
693 146 21 unless @_
694 0 21 if @_ != 1
695 0 21 if $self->term and $_[0] < 5
702 22 577 if (@_)
705 20 2 if ($target)
719 0 331 if $self->silent
720 21 310 if (@_)
723 0 21 if defined $type and not exists {"linear" => 1}->{$type}
789 115 460 if $self->silent
793 101 359 unless (defined $so_far)
798 0 460 unless $self->scale == 1
807 24 436 if ($target < 0) { }
22 414 elsif ($target == 0) { }
808 4 20 if ($input_so_far <= 0 or $input_so_far == $self->last_update)
811 4 0 if (defined $name)
812 3 1 if (not $self->remove or $input_so_far >= 0)
815 0 4 if (not $self->remove and $input_so_far < 0)
824 22 0 if defined $name
831 12 402 if ($so_far >= $target) { }
840 3 411 if ($self->minor) { }
842 3 0 unless $so_far == $target
851 310 104 if ($self->term > 0) { }
854 44 266 if defined $name
862 11 299 if (defined $ETA and $ratio > 0)
863 11 0 if ($ETA eq 'linear') { }
864 1 10 if ($ratio == 1) { }
0 10 elsif ($ratio < 0.01) { }
869 0 1 if ($hh > 99) { }
880 10 0 if ($left < 600) { }
885 0 0 if ($left < 86400) { }
0 0 elsif ($left < 259200) { }
895 9 1 if ($left > 0)
897 9 0 if $so_far + $incr > $next
906 305 5 unless (defined $_ and $_ eq $to_print)
913 0 310 unless $self->scale == 1
916 0 10 if ($so_far >= $target and $self->remove and not $self->pb_ended)
924 102 2 if ($self->term) { }
925 1 0 if ($so_far == 0 and defined $name and not $self->name_printed)
932 50 52 if $add
938 0 102 unless $self->scale == 1
947 2 102 if ($input_so_far >= $target)
948 1 1 if ($self->pb_ended) { }
951 1 0 if ($self->term)
960 16 397 if $next > $target
991 103 106 if $self->silent
997 106 0 if ($self->term) { }