Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 56 73.2

line true false branch
228 5 2 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[1], 'HASH')) { }
0 4 elsif (defined $_[1] and length $_[1]) { }
230 2 3 if defined $_[1]{'chars'}
231 0 5 if defined $_[1]{'count'}
232 1 4 if defined $_[1]{'debug'}
233 0 5 if defined $_[1]{'interval'}
234 0 5 if defined $_[1]{'label'}
235 1 4 if defined $_[1]{'time'}
236 2 3 if defined $_[1]{'skin'} and lc $_[1]{'skin'} eq "flat"
276 4 3 if (our $count > 0)
295 4 3996 if $count == 1
296 396 3604 if $count % $interval
304 1 1 if (ref $char and scalar @$char > 1) { }
314 1800 4 if ($skip > $#$ants) { }
323 30 1774 if ($marker >= $skip) { }
335 0 1804 if ($skip > $#$ants) { }
344 30 1774 if ($marker >= $skip) { }
359 1 4 if ($c) { }
385 11252 6 unless our $debug > 0
407 0 3608 if ($name_length) { }
432 0 3608 if ($delta > 5 and $interval > $delta) { }
0 3608 elsif ($delta > 2 and $interval > 1) { }
3608 0 elsif ($delta < 1) { }
434 0 0 unless $interval
446 0 3608 if our $use_term_size
455 0 7 if $@
460 0 7 if (defined $cols and $cols > 0)
471 10824 0 if $in < 10 and $in > -1