Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 38 57 66.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
89 58 6 1 exists $config->{'base'} and not $self->{'base'}
203 38 0 5 scalar @_ > 1 and ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'
227 0 15 3 $method and UNIVERSAL::can($item, $method)
15 0 0 ref $item eq 'HASH' and defined($newtype = $item->{$method})
15 0 0 ref $item eq 'HASH' and defined($newtype = $item->{$method}) and defined($template = $$map{"$method=>$newtype"})
15 0 0 defined $newtype and defined($template = $$map{"$method=>*"})
336 44 6 6 $error = $@ and $base
342 50 1 5 $error = $@ and $notfound
414 23 23 6 @_ and not $self->{'SEALED'}
422 16 3 0 @_ and $self->{'SEALED'}
428 43 5 0 @_ and $self->{'SEALED'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
61 5 60 $config->{'map'} || {}
69 16 49 $config->{'blocks'} || {}
84 38 287 $config->{$arg} || ''
92 2 62 $config->{'item'} || 'item'
95 0 64 $config->{'include_prefix'} || 'include_'
101 0 64 $config->{'view_prefix'} || 'view_'
103 1 63 $config->{'view_naked'} || 0
205 5 0 $self->clone($cfg) || (return)
251 0 0 $template || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
207 5 0 0 $clone->print(@_) || $self->error($clone->error)
298 0 84 0 $vars->{'view'} ||= $self