Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 34 47.0

line true false branch
18 0 1 if ($self->{'DBI_DBH'} and $self->{'DBI_DSN'})
23 0 1 if ($self->{'DBI_DSN'})
25 0 0 unless $self->{'DBI_DBH'} = 'DBI'->connect($self->{'DBI_DSN'}, $self->{'DBI_USER'}, $self->{'DBI_PASSWD'})
37 0 1 if ($@)
45 1 0 if $self->{'DBI_MODIFIEDFIELD'}
47 0 1 unless $self->{'DBI_STH'} = $self->{'DBI_DBH'}->prepare_cached($self->{'DBI_QUERY'})
61 0 1 if ref $name
65 0 1 if (defined $self->{'SIZE'} and $self->{'LOOKUP'}{$name}) { }
72 1 0 unless $error
73 1 0 unless $error
88 0 1 unless defined $templ
90 1 0 if ($modified and exists $self->{'DBI_DT'}) { }
103 0 1 unless $templ
115 0 1 unless (defined $self->{'DBI_DT'})
137 0 2 unless $timestamp
138 0 2 if ($self->{'DBI_DT'} and $self->{'DBI_DT'}->can('parse_timestamp')) { }
2 0 elsif ($self->{'DBI_DT'} and $self->{'DBI_DT'}->can('format_datetime')) { }