Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 34 0.0

line true false branch
128 0 0 if (defined $options->{'RESULTSET'}) { }
145 0 0 if ($self->{'COMPILE_DIR'})
152 0 0 if $^O eq 'MSWin32'
155 0 0 unless -d $wdir
173 0 0 if (ref $name)
182 0 0 if ($table and $reference and $column and scalar split(m[/], $name, 0) == 3) { }
194 0 0 if ($caching and $slot = $self->{'LOOKUP'}{"$table/$reference/$column"}) { }
0 0 elsif ($compiled_filename and -f $compiled_filename and not $self->_modified("$table/$reference/$column", (stat _)[9])) { }
196 0 0 unless $error
207 0 0 unless $data
210 0 0 if $caching and not $error
219 0 0 unless ($error)
225 0 0 unless ($error)
227 0 0 $caching ? :
257 0 0 if ($table and $reference and $column) { }
264 0 0 if ($template) { }
314 0 0 $time ? :