Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 16 93.7

line true false branch
154 0 9 if ($class eq 'Template::Plugin::VMethods')
171 1 4 if (defined $_[0] and $_[0] eq 'install')
178 9 1 if ref $class
199 18 12 unless @{$varname;}
214 4 8 if (ref $$varname[$count] and ref $$varname[$count] eq 'CODE') { }
226 11 1 if ($context)
232 6 5 if (not defined $$hashref{$vmethname}) { }
4 1 elsif (not $stash->get("origvmethod$op$vmethname") && $stash->get("origvmethod$op$vmethname")->stashmatch($stash)) { }