Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 50 66.0

line true false branch
45 6 15 if (ref $self) { }
50 2 4 $vars ? :
2 4 %opts ? :
78 0 10 if (@args == 1) { }
0 10 elsif (defined $args[1] and ref $args[1] eq 'HASH') { }
95 4 6 if (ref $self) { }
96 0 4 if $self->[7]{$id}
102 1 5 if $top_level_cache{$id}
115 0 4 if (@args == 1) { }
0 4 elsif (defined $args[1] and ref $args[1] eq 'HASH') { }
134 4 0 if $template
165 20 21 if $self->[5]
167 0 21 unless ($self->isa("Template::Plex"))
199 0 21 if ($self->[1]{'package'} eq caller)
207 0 21 unless ($self->[5])
229 3 3 if (defined $data and $data->isa('Template::Plex')) { }
231 2 1 if ($slot_name eq 'default') { }
251 0 3 unless ($parent)
256 3 0 if (@_) { }
279 0 0 if ($parent) { }
295 0 0 if ($parent) { }
331 21 38 unless ($self->init_done_flag)
341 18 20 if (not $top_down) { }
356 2 18 if ($self->[8] and %{$self->[8]})
378 0 0 if $_[0][4]