Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 30 70.0

line true false branch
26 0 1 unless (ref $self)
27 1 0 @_ ? :
32 0 2 unless (ref $self)
33 1 1 if @_ == 1
34 1 1 if @_ == 2
40 0 1 unless (ref $self)
48 1 10 unless (ref $self)
54 1 10 if $replace
66 0 12 unless defined $value
69 1 11 if (/CODE/)
70 2 9 if (/ARRAY/)
71 0 9 if (/SCALAR/)
72 9 0 if (/^$/)
88 0 2 if (exists ${$pkg . '::';}{'DATA'} and defined *{${$pkg . '::';}{'DATA'};}{'IO'}) { }
2 0 elsif (exists $main::main::{'DATA'} and defined *main::DATA{'IO'}) { }