Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 62 110 56.3

line true false branch
42 0 15 if ($+{'cdata'}) { }
6 9 elsif (length $+{'nl'}) { }
50 3 3 $stack->{'open_tags'} ? :
0 6 $stack->{'closed_tags'} ? :
56 9 0 $+{'tag'} ? :
57 3 6 if ($tag =~ /^(?| area | base | br | col | embed | hr | img | input | link | meta | source | track | wbr )$/xi) { }
0 6 elsif ($+{'close2'}) { }
3 3 elsif ($+{'close'}) { }
61 0 0 if ($stack->{'waiting'} and @{$stack->{'waiting'}}) { }
71 0 3 if ($stack->{'waiting'} and @{$stack->{'waiting'}} and $stack->{'waiting'}[-1] eq $tag) { }
75 3 0 if ($stack->{'open_tags'} and $stack->{'open_tags'}[-1] eq $tag) { }
95 9 3 if ($last_line_start < length $html)
100 9 0 $stack->{'open_tags'} ? :
0 9 $stack->{'closed_tags'} ? :
116 33 9 if defined $obj->{'markup'}
121 24 12 if (ref $node) { }
124 12 0 if ($args->{'html'} // $Template::LiquidX::Tidy::impl::defaults{'html'}) { }
126 12 0 if ($stack->{'level'})
138 15 0 if (ref $block) { }
141 0 0 if ($args->{'html'} // $Template::LiquidX::Tidy::impl::defaults{'html'}) { }
151 6 36 if defined $obj->{'markup_2'}
162 4 8 unless $force_nl
164 0 8 unless @tags
174 0 19 if ($list[$i][1] =~ /\n\z/)
178 19 0 if ($list[$i][1] =~ /\S/)
190 21 6 if ($list[$i][1] =~ /\{%-?/)
194 6 0 if ($list[$i][1] =~ /\S/)
224 51 3 $i > 0 ? :
230 51 3 $i < $#list ? :
233 51 3 $i < $#list ? :
235 24 30 if ($content =~ /$PI_START/)
237 4 20 if (not $content =~ /\n/ || _force_nl_tags($args, $content) or $content =~ /$PI_START\s*post_url\s/)
241 0 4 if ($next_nl)
248 0 4 if (_ws_only_before($i, @list))
250 0 0 if $indent_html
262 8 12 if ($short_if > 0 and not $next_nl and not $content =~ /\n/)
263 0 0 if ($content =~ /$PI_START\s*(if|unless)\s/ and length $peek_content <= $short_if and $i + 2 <= $#list and $list[$i + 2][1] =~ /$PI_START/)
268 0 0 if ($content =~ /$PI_START\s*end(if|unless)\s/ and length $poke_content <= $short_if and $i - 2 >= 0 and $list[$i - 2][1] =~ /$PI_START\s*(\Q$1\E\s|elsif\s|else)/)
285 20 0 if ($poke_content =~ /^(.*)\z/m and length $1 or $indent_html and $poke_content =~ />\s*\n\z/) { }
0 0 elsif (_ws_only_before($i, @list) or $next_nl) { }
298 0 0 $poke_content =~ /^(.*)\z/m ? :
302 0 0 if ($required_indent >= 0 and not $next_nl) { }
311 0 20 $line++ ? :
316 17 0 unless ($peek_content =~ /$PI_START/ or $peek_content =~ /^\n/)
325 0 20 if ($i == $#list or $peek_content eq "\n" and not grep({$_->[1] ne "\n";} @list[$i + 1 .. $#list]))
336 0 30 if ($content =~ /^\s*$LV_START/ and _ws_only_before($i, @list))
338 0 0 if ($indent_html)
348 3 27 if ($indent_html and $content =~ /^\s*<[^!]/ and $poke_content =~ /\n\z/)
354 3 0 if (_ws_only_after_beforepi($i, @list))
364 18 9 if ($indent_html and _ws_only_after_beforepi($i, @list))
366 0 18 if ($m1 =~ s/(?<!-)>\K\s*\n\z//)
373 0 0 if ($m1 eq "\n" and $poke_content =~ /$PI_START/ and not $poke_content =~ /$PI_START\s*capture/)
380 0 0 if ($indent_html and $content =~ /^[ \t]+$/ and $peek_content =~ /$LV_START/ || $peek_content =~ /$PI_START/ and $poke_content =~ /\n\z/)
390 27 0 if ($indent_html and not $it->[2] && $it->[2]{'open'} && @{$it->[2]{'open'}} && $it->[2]{'open'}[-1] eq 'script')
393 0 27 if ($poke_content =~ /\n\z/)