Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 85 106 80.1

line true false branch
24 0 127 if scalar @{$s->{'scopes'};} == 100
25 20 107 defined $context ? :
35 0 127 if scalar @{$s->{'scopes'};} == 1
58 0 0 if ('ARRAY' eq ref $target->{$_} and 'ARRAY' eq ref $source->{$_} || !ref($source->{$_})) { }
0 0 elsif ('HASH' eq ref $target->{$_} and 'HASH' eq ref $source->{$_} || !ref($source->{$_})) { }
75 17 1 defined $_[0] ? :
81 0 65 defined $_[1] ? :
93 106 142 ref($_->{$key}) =~ /^(HASH|ARRAY)$/o ? :
105 6 2525 unless defined $var
106 369 2156 if $var =~ /^(["'])(.+)\1$/o
111 907 1249 if $var =~ /^[-\+]?(\d*\.)?\d+$/o and not exists $$$cursor{$path[0]}
112 12 1237 if $var eq ""
113 5 1232 if $var eq "\"\""
114 3 1229 if $var eq "''"
115 1 1228 if $var eq "null"
116 1 1227 if $var eq "nil"
117 1 1226 if $var eq "blank"
118 1 1225 if $var eq "empty"
119 3 1222 if $var eq "false"
120 4 1218 if $var eq "true"
122 30 1188 if ($var =~ /^\((\S+)\s*\.\.\s*(\S+)\)$/o)
128 4 1184 if ($var =~ /^(.+)\[(\d+)\]$/o)
132 4 0 if $arr
137 1 1183 if ($var =~ /^(.+)\[(.+)\]$/o)
141 1 0 if $obj
147 2 1378 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($$cursor) and $$cursor->can($crumb)) { }
1346 32 elsif ($reftype eq 'HASH') { }
20 12 elsif ($reftype eq 'ARRAY') { }
150 1 1 unless scalar @path
155 1019 327 if (exists $$cursor->{$crumb})
156 828 191 unless @path
163 2 18 if $crumb eq "size"
164 2 16 if $crumb eq "first"
165 2 16 if $crumb eq "last"
166 1 17 if $crumb =~ /\D/o
167 4 13 if scalar @$$cursor < $crumb
168 8 5 unless scalar @path
182 606 256 if exists $$$cursor{$path[0]}
186 280 6 if ($reftype eq 'HASH') { }
4 2 elsif ($reftype eq 'ARRAY') { }
187 272 8 if (not @path) { }
188 14 258 if (exists $$cursor->{$crumb})
196 3 0 $path[0] =~ /\D/ ? :
3 5 unless exists $$cursor->{$crumb}
202 0 4 if ($crumb =~ /\D/)
206 1 3 if (not @path) { }
207 0 1 if (exists $$cursor->[$crumb])
214 0 0 $path[0] =~ /\D/ ? :
0 3 unless exists $$cursor->[$crumb]
221 2 0 if (not @path) { }
222 2 0 if ($crumb =~ /\D/)
230 0 0 $path[0] =~ /\D/ ? :
0 0 unless exists $$cursor->[$crumb]