Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 114 194 58.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
88 5632 0 8 $$self{'_debug_dirs'} and not $$self{'_debug_off'}
142 106 12 3 exists $$named{'STRICT'} and not $$named{'STRICT'}
180 45 33 6 not $conf and defined $conf
189 0 42 18 $prop =~ /^\w+$/ and $meth = $obj->can($prop)
191 0 21 6 $Template::Alloy::QR_PRIVATE && $_ =~ /$Template::Alloy::QR_PRIVATE/
203 3 3 3 defined $$conf{'EntireStash'} and not $$conf{'EntireStash'}
204 0 9 60 @dump && @dump == 1
216 15 54 3 not defined $$conf{'html'} and $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}
254 49 0 0 $@ and not UNIVERSAL::can($@, 'type')
292 4 115 0 $error and $error != 3
314 0 39 0 $error and $error != 3
409 7 39 0 $ref and ref $ref ne 'HASH'
411 37 0 9 $$self{'LOOP_CONTEXT_VARS'} and not $Template::Alloy::QR_PRIVATE
432 0 0 44 $sub_tree && $$sub_tree[0]
6 7 31 ref $$sub_tree[0] and $$sub_tree[0][0] eq 'BLOCK'
462 22 55 15 $_[-1] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'HASH')
77 15 0 $_[-1] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'HASH') and $#_ > $#$args
568 88 6 0 ref $key and @$key == 2
94 0 0 ref $key and @$key == 2 and $$key[0] eq 'import'
6 0 0 ref $key and @$key == 2 and $$key[0] eq 'import' and UNIVERSAL::isa($val, 'HASH')
611 0 0 0 $doc and $err->can('doc')
0 0 0 $doc and $err->can('doc') and not $err->doc
619 0 87 0 UNIVERSAL::can($err, 'type') and $err->type =~ /return/
674 956 0 54 $$node[4] and $val == $$node[4]
678 0 52 2 $$sub_tree[0] and $$sub_tree[0][0] eq 'BLOCK'
709 32 0 0 not defined $val and defined $test
710 0 30 2 defined $val and not defined $test
775 8 88 0 $type =~ / ^ \Q$name\E \b /x and !defined($last_found) || length $last_found < length $name
840 62 30 71 $base and $base eq 'TP-Fallback'
92 0 71 $base and $base eq 'TP-Fallback' and eval { do { require Template::Plugins } }
842 0 9 62 $Template::Plugins::STD_PLUGINS and my $pkg = $$Template::Plugins::STD_PLUGINS{lc $module}
865 80 0 9 not $found and $$self{'LOAD_PERL'}
897 0 0 0 @$key == 2 and not ref $$key[0]
0 0 0 @$key == 2 and not ref $$key[0] and not $$key[1]

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
201 78 0 eval { do { $self->node_info($node) } } || {'text', 'unknown', 'file', 'unknown', 'line', 'unknown'}
337 78 0 $$node[4] ||= []
344 13 0 $$node[4] ||= []
351 6 0 $$node[4] ||= []
363 146 0 $$self{'_vars'} || {}
367 146 0 $$self{'BLOCKS'} || {}
410 3 0 $ref || {}
456 6 88 $$self_copy{'_macro_recurse'} || 0
496 52 0 $$self{'_template'} ||= {}
498 24 0 $$self{'_component'} ||= {}
510 10 0 $$node[4] || (return)
631 3 0 $$node[4] || (return)
712 8 0 $$node[4] ||= []
777 88 0 $$node[4] || []
841 71 0 $Template::Plugins::PLUGIN_BASE || (next)
967 18 0 $$node[4] || (return)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
216 6 0 72 $$conf{'html'} or not defined $$conf{'html'} and $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}
219 0 3 6 $$conf{'header'} or not defined $$conf{'header'}
221 0 60 9 $$conf{'header'} or not defined $$conf{'header'}
402 21 1 1 !$$self{'SYNTAX'} || $$self{'SYNTAX'} ne 'ht' || $$self{'GLOBAL_VARS'}
415 3 3 3 $i == 1 || $i == @$items
457 8 0 86 $$self_copy{'MAX_MACRO_RECURSE'} || $Template::Alloy::MAX_MACRO_RECURSE
538 0 0 10 $err ||= $@
583 534 3 14 not ref $filename or ref $filename eq 'SCALAR'
595 5 9 0 $$doc{'_perl'} || $$doc{'_tree'}
0 0 14 ref $doc ne 'HASH' or not $$doc{'_perl'} || $$doc{'_tree'}
651 0 0 3 $err ||= $@
774 81 0 15 not defined $name or lc $name eq 'default'
775 86 2 0 !defined($last_found) || length $last_found < length $name
821 0 0 98 $$self{'PLUGIN_FACTORY'}{$module} || $$self{'PLUGIN_FACTORY'}{lc $module}
6 0 92 $$self{'PLUGINS'}{$module} || $$self{'PLUGINS'}{lc $module}
828 6 0 0 UNIVERSAL::isa($pkg, 'UNIVERSAL') or eval { do { require $req } }
857 18 0 21 $pkg->can('load') or eval { do { require $req } }
867 6 0 3 $module->can('new') or eval { do { require $req } }
908 7 0 21 $$hash{'prefix'} || ref $name && @$name == 2 && !$$name[1] && !ref($$name[0])
918 28 0 0 'Template::View'->new($self->context, $hash) || $self->throw('view', $Template::View::ERROR)