Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 234 0.0

line true false branch
44 0 0 if ($filename =~ /^($$self{'untaint_regexp'})$/ and not $filename =~ /^\./) { }
61 0 0 unless defined $$self{'type'}
68 0 0 if $$self{'filename'} eq $TeX::AutoTeX::File::DIRECTIVE_FILE
70 0 0 if -d $fullname
72 0 0 if $error
73 0 0 if defined $texformat
94 0 0 if ($$self{'flags'}{'toplevelfile'})
99 0 0 if (not $self->type_is_tex or $$self{'filename'} eq 'auto_gen_ps.log' or $$self{'filename'} =~ /\.(?:sty|st|cls)$/i)
105 0 0 if (0 <= index($$self{'type'}, 'priority2')) { }
0 0 elsif (0 <= index($$self{'type'}, 'priority')) { }
0 0 elsif ('_MAC' eq substr($$self{'type'}, -4)) { }
113 0 0 unless open my $CURRENTFILE, '<', "$$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}/$$self{'filename'}"
117 0 0 if $$self{'filename'} =~ /\.(?:la)?tex$/i
119 0 0 if (/^\s*\\document(?:style|class)/)
125 0 0 if (/^\s*\\begin\s*\{\s*document\s*\}/)
130 0 0 unless close $CURRENTFILE
136 0 0 if (my $override = $$self{'fileset'}->override($type))
174 0 0 if ($self->type_is_tex) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->type eq 'TYPE_ENCRYPTED') { }
0 0 elsif ($self->type eq 'TYPE_DVI') { }
199 0 0 if ($$self{'type'} ne $new_type)
207 0 0 $dont_hyper ? :
208 0 0 unless $try_hyper
212 0 0 if ($$process{'branch'} eq '3' or $$process{'branch'} =~ m[texlive/]) { }
0 0 elsif ($$process{'branch'} eq '2') { }
213 0 0 if ($self->type eq 'TYPE_LATEX' or $self->type eq 'TYPE_LATEX2e') { }
0 0 elsif ($self->type eq 'TYPE_PDFLATEX') { }
214 0 0 $try_hyper ? :
216 0 0 $try_hyper ? :
219 0 0 $try_hyper ? :
221 0 0 $try_hyper ? :
225 0 0 if (exists $$self{'tex_format'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->type eq 'TYPE_LATEX') { }
0 0 elsif ($self->type eq 'TYPE_LATEX2e') { }
226 0 0 if ($$self{'tex_format'} eq 'bigtex') { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'tex_format'} eq 'biglatex') { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'tex_format'} eq 'latex209') { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'tex_format'} eq 'latex') { }
233 0 0 $try_hyper ? :
235 0 0 $try_hyper ? :
238 0 0 $try_hyper ? :
240 0 0 $try_hyper ? :
244 0 0 if ($try_amslplain)
245 0 0 $try_hyper ? :
247 0 0 if (@to_try == 0) { }
249 0 0 $try_hyper ? :
251 0 0 $try_hyper ? :
260 0 0 if ('h' eq substr($tex_type, 0, 1)) { }
268 0 0 if ($tex_type =~ /amslplain/) { }
271 0 0 if ('h' eq substr($tex_type, 0, 1)) { }
279 0 0 unless ($$self{'fileset'}{'utime'})
286 0 0 unless opendir my $CDIR, $dir
289 0 0 if not /^\./
292 0 0 unless closedir $CDIR
303 0 0 if ($tex_type =~ /amslplain/)
307 0 0 unless ($failed)
309 0 0 unless unlink "$dir/$logfile"
314 0 0 if ($failed)
331 0 0 if ('.cry' ne lc substr($newfile, -4, 4, ''))
341 0 0 if (index($ENV{'PATH'}, $TeX::AutoTeX::File::TEX_PATH) != 0)
352 0 0 if ($?)
355 0 0 if (not -T $fullname or -z _)
358 0 0 unless unlink "$dir/$file"
369 0 0 $$process{'branch'} =~ m[texlive/] ? :
370 0 0 if $$self{'dvi_flags'}
371 0 0 if $$self{'flags'}{'landscape'}
372 0 0 $$self{'flags'}{'keepcomments'} ? :
375 0 0 $ENV{'TEXMFCNF'} ? :
383 0 0 unless $?
385 0 0 if (-e "$dir/head.tmp" and -e "$dir/body.tmp")
390 0 0 if (my(@corefiles) = glob("$dir/core.[0-9]*"))
392 0 0 if m[^$dir/core\.\d+$]
395 0 0 if (@corefiles)
403 0 0 unless $?
427 0 0 unless ($included =~ m[^/])
428 0 0 if (-e "$dir/$included") { }
0 0 elsif (not exists $commondvipsheaders{$included} || '.pfb' eq substr($included, -4)) { }
439 0 0 if (my $stampref = $process->get_stamp)
462 0 0 unless open my $LOG, '<', "$$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}/$log"
473 0 0 unless opendir my $WORKING_DIR, $$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}
475 0 0 if /\.aux$/ and -f "$$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}/$_"
0 0 if (my(@auxfiles) = grep({(stat _)[9] >= $stime if /\.aux$/ and -f "$$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}/$_";} readdir $WORKING_DIR))
499 0 0 unless unlink "$dir/$auxfile"
505 0 0 unless unlink "$dir/$file"
508 0 0 if ($hyper eq 'hyper') { }
509 0 0 unless link "$dir/$file.with_hyper", "$dir/$file"
512 0 0 unless link "$dir/$file.without_hyper", "$dir/$file"
524 0 0 unless (defined $TeX::AutoTeX::File::TEXCHR)
527 0 0 if ($$process{'branch'} eq '2' and not defined $ENV{'TEXMFCNF'})
533 0 0 -e "$$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}/$latex_input" ? :
538 0 0 if (not $tex_format and $tex_type eq 'htex')
541 0 0 if (not $tex_format =~ /209$/ and $tex_type =~ /209/)
544 0 0 if ($tex_format =~ /^latex209/ and $program =~ /^h/)
547 0 0 if ($tex_format)
587 0 0 if (exists $known_formats{$$process{'branch'}}{$tex_format}) { }
599 0 0 $ENV{'TEXMFCNF'} ? :
600 0 0 $ENV{'TEXMFCNF'} ? :
626 0 0 if ($?)
627 0 0 if (not $xfontcreate and $self->extra_fontcreation_pass($stime)) { }
636 0 0 if (-e "$$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}/$dvi")
638 0 0 unless unlink "$$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}/$dvi"
646 0 0 if ($passes == 0 and $tex_type eq 'hlatex2e' || $tex_type eq 'latex2e' || $tex_type =~ /h?pdflatex/o)
649 0 0 if (0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'LaTeX Warning: Writing file `'))
657 0 0 if ($tex_type =~ /latex/i or $tex_format) { }
658 0 0 if (0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'Label(s) may have changed. Rerun') or 0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'Warning: Citation(s) may have changed.') or 0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'Table widths have changed. Rerun LaTeX.') or 0 <= index(${$lastlog_ref;}, 'Rerun to get citations correct.')) { }
672 0 0 unless $rerun or $passes == 0
676 0 0 if ($passes == $tex_passes and $rerun)
687 0 0 if /\.(?:toc|lof|lot)$/ and -f "$$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}/$_"
691 0 0 if ($tocloflot)
707 0 0 if /\.(?:mf|tfm)$/ and -f "$$self{'fileset'}{'dir'}/$_"
711 0 0 if ($mftfm)
728 0 0 if not /^\./ || /\.(mf|log)$/ and -f "$dir/$_"
741 0 0 if ($$written{$file})
746 0 0 if grep {$fmt eq 'TYPE_' . $_;} 'DVI', 'POSTSCRIPT', 'PDF'
750 0 0 unless unlink "$dir/$file"
766 0 0 unless (defined $$self{'basename'})
767 0 0 if (0 < index($$self{'filename'}, '.')) { }