Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 63 64 98.4

line true false branch
123 77 815 unless $rule =~ /\S/
125 89 726 if ($match eq '+' or $match eq '-') { }
17 709 elsif ($match eq 'N/A') { }
150 0 815 unless @components
156 789 26 if ($components[0] eq '+' or $components[0] eq '-')
159 5 810 unless @components
169 730 80 if (defined $offsets{$components[0]})
170 7 723 if scalar @components < 2
174 307 416 if ($components[1] eq 'last')
175 219 88 $nth > 0 ? :
178 7 716 if scalar @components < 2
187 698 98 if ($components[0])
191 618 80 if (defined $nth)
192 392 226 if $d
195 1 305 unless $y and $m and $d
197 99 150 if ($y < 1970)
249 56 if ($y ne '*')
198 99 53 if ($m < 1 or $m > 12)
152 54 if ($m ne '*')
199 1 15 if ($d < 1 or $d > 31)
16 91 if ($d ne '*')
206 95 11 if ($y eq '*' || $y == $$today{'year'} and $m eq '*' || $m == $$today{'mon'} and $d eq '*' || $d == $$today{'mday'}) { }
222 11 95 unless $keep_going
228 28 67 if (defined $nth and defined $dow) { }
231 26 2 if ($dow == $$today{'wday'}) { }
234 2 24 if ($nth == 0)
239 13 11 if ($nth > 0)
241 1 23 if $nth == 4 and scalar @$dates < 5
243 19 4 if ($$dates[$nth] == $$today{'mday'}) { }
280 1216 7201 if $wday1 == 7
294 4831 3586 $dow >= $wday1 ? :
297 184 8233 if ($m == 2 and $dt->is_leap_year)