Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 18 83.3

line true false branch
14 6 150 if ($self->type eq 'compile' and $s->[0] eq 'use' and scalar @$s > 1 and &any(sub { $s->[1] eq $_; } , 'Moose', 'Mouse', 'Moo', 'Mo', 'Role::Tiny::With')) { }
7 269 elsif ($self->type eq 'runtime' and &any(sub { $s->[0] eq $_; } , 'extends', 'with')) { }
23 1 6 if (scalar @$s > 2 and &none(sub { $s->[2] eq $_; } , '=>', ',', ';'))
30 6 16 if &any(sub { $s->[$i] eq $_; } , '=>', ',')
31 6 10 if $s->[$i] eq ';'
32 0 10 if substr($s->[$i], 0, 1) eq '('
33 6 4 if (substr($s->[$i], 0, 1) ne '{') { }
38 0 4 unless $last
40 4 0 if $s->[$i] =~ /^\{.*-version\s*?(?:=>|,)\s*?(?:(?:qq?\s*?[^\w]\s*)|'|")?v? (?\d+?(?:\.\d+)*)(?:(?:\s*?[^\w])|'|")?.*\}\s*$/osx