Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 39 44 88.6

line true false branch
52 2 71 if (ref $self->{'flush_code'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
61 13 60 if ($ouf)
63 0 13 unless print {$ouf;} $ret
68 0 73 if ($reset_flag)
100 1 271 if (ref $tags_structure_ar ne "ARRAY")
105 8 263 if (defined $self->{'input_tags_item_callback'})
113 31 240 if ($type eq 'a') { }
86 154 elsif ($type eq 'b') { }
6 148 elsif ($type eq 'cd') { }
11 137 elsif ($type eq 'c') { }
37 100 elsif ($type eq 'd') { }
80 20 elsif ($type eq 'e') { }
5 15 elsif ($type eq 'i') { }
13 2 elsif ($type eq 'r') { }
141 5 0 if ($self->{'strict_instruction'})
152 1 1 unless ($self->{'skip_bad_tags'})
159 12 66 if ($self->{'auto_flush'})
185 0 202 if ($arg_num < $min_arg_num or $arg_num > $max_arg_num)
198 1 53 if (defined $self->{'output_handler'} and ref $self->{'output_handler'} ne "GLOB")
205 1 52 if ($self->{'auto_flush'} and not defined $self->{'output_handler'})
226 0 73 if (defined $self->{'output_encoding'})
259 137 12 if (defined $self->{$callback_type} and ref $self->{$callback_type} eq "CODE")