Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 69 72 95.8

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
147 3577 365 0 exists $t->{'schema'}{$_} and not exists $top{$_} and $top{$_} = delete $t->{'schema'}{$_}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
29 4 12 78 (!defined($min) || $got >= $min) && (!defined($max) || $got <= $max)
142 333 87 20 $top{'type'} and $t->{'schema'}{'type'}
87 18 2 $top{'type'} and $t->{'schema'}{'type'} and $top{'type'} ne $t->{'schema'}{'type'}
147 3549 28 365 exists $t->{'schema'}{$_} and not exists $top{$_}
194 430 4 8 $c->{'schema'}{'unique'} and not ref $c->{'schema'}{'unique'}
434 4 4 $c->{'schema'}{'unique'} and not ref $c->{'schema'}{'unique'} and not $c->{'schema'}{'sort'}
248 18 2 104 $r->[1]{'validation'} eq 'func' && (!exists $r->[1]{'result'} || keys %{$$r[1];} > 2)
270 32 4 8 $c->{'schema'}{'unique'} and ref $c->{'schema'}{'unique'} eq "CODE"
294 30 108 235 defined $input and not ref $input
138 15 220 defined $input and not ref $input and $c->{'schema'}{'type'} eq "scalar"
123 8 212 defined $input and not ref $input and $c->{'schema'}{'type'} eq "scalar" and $c->{'schema'}{'rmwhitespace'}
301 108 221 14 not ref $input and $input eq ""
328 48 0 2 $c->{'schema'}{'scalar'} and not ref $input
350 216 148 8 $r->[1] && exists $c->{'schema'}{'onerror'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
181 303 139 $c->{'schema'}{'type'} //= "scalar"
182 74 368 $c->{'schema'}{'required'} //= 1
183 10 432 $c->{'schema'}{'rmwhitespace'} //= 1
184 27 415 $c->{'schema'}{'unknown'} //= "remove"
311 2 4 lc ref $input || 'scalar'
329 0 2 lc ref $input || 'scalar'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
125 959 413 572 $builtin{$_} or /^_analyze_/
130 199 371 2 $validations->{$_} || $default_validations{$_}
212 22 6 16 exists $input->{$k} or $s->{'schema'}{'required'}
6 2 14 exists $input->{$k} or $s->{'schema'}{'required'} or exists $s->{'schema'}{'default'}
301 30 16 327 not defined $input or not ref $input and $input eq ""