Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 111 160 69.3

line true false branch
65 44 6 unless @_
73 4 4 unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $libs
76 6 6 unless (-d $lib)
80 4 4 if (@bad_libs)
82 2 2 if @bad_libs > 1
89 4 2 unless 'ARRAY' eq ref $switches
90 8 2 /^-/ ? :
105 2 2 unless (-f $execrc)
122 4 30 if ($method eq 'lib' or $method eq 'switches') { }
125 50 10 unless (@_)
128 20 30 wantarray ? :
130 0 10 if @_ > 1
133 0 10 unless ref $args
141 303 123 unless @_
243 38 258 if (defined $property)
247 6 32 if ($self->_error)
253 2 20 if (my(@props) = keys %arg_for)
257 17 3 unless $self->quiet
258 17 3 unless $self->really_quiet
266 18 2 unless my $execrc = $self->execrc
272 0 0 if ('*' eq $$exec[-1]) { }
276 0 0 unless $self->exec
333 9 1 if length $test > $longest
334 10 0 unless ($test =~ /\.\w+$/)
346 0 10 unless ($tests_without_extensions)
347 0 0 if ($name =~ s/(\.\w+)$//)
431 5 4 if ($total and $total == $passed and not $aggregate->has_problems)
434 1 4 if ($total != $passed or $aggregate->has_problems or $aggregate->skipped)
452 0 5 if (my $exit = $parser->exit)
457 1 4 if (my(@errors) = $parser->parse_errors)
459 1 0 if ($self->errors or 1 == @errors) { }
484 5 10 $method eq 'failed' ? :
487 5 10 if ($parser->$method)
501 1 5 if $self->_printed_summary_header
503 5 0 unless $spaces
563 11 2 if ($curr < $limit) { }
2 0 elsif (@range) { }
575 7 0 if ($line)
605 6 11 if (defined $next and $next == $num + 1) { }
4 7 elsif (defined $min) { }
606 4 2 unless (defined $min)
634 1 3 if $self->really_quiet
639 3 0 defined $tests_planned ? :
654 0 3 if (my $exit = $parser->exit)
660 0 3 if ($failed == 0) { }
665 0 3 unless ($total)
670 0 3 if (my $skipped = $parser->skipped)
672 0 0 $skipped != 1 ? :
676 0 3 if (my $failed = $parser->todo_passed)
677 0 0 $failed > 1 ? :
690 8 2 unless $really_quiet
693 10 0 if $self->lib
694 10 0 if $self->switches
697 0 10 if (my $exec = $$execrc{$test}) { }
2 8 elsif ($exec = $self->exec) { }
718 0 27 if ($result->is_bailout)
725 10 17 unless ($plan)
728 0 27 if ($show_count and $result->is_test)
729 0 0 unless $really_quiet
738 0 10 if ($show_count)
742 0 0 unless $really_quiet
744 6 4 if (not $parser->has_problems) { }
745 5 1 unless ($really_quiet)
747 0 5 if ($self->timer)
749 0 0 $TIME_HIRES ? :
767 0 10 if (my $spool_dir = $ENV{'PERL_TEST_HARNESS_DUMP_TAP'})
774 0 0 if $@
776 0 0 unless open my $spool_handle, '>', $spool
787 0 10 if (my $spool_handle = delete $$self{'spool'})
788 0 0 unless close $spool_handle
795 5 22 if $self->really_quiet
796 15 7 if ($self->_should_display($parser, $result))
797 6 9 unless ($self->_newline_printed)
798 6 0 unless $self->quiet
801 15 0 unless $self->quiet
807 9 23 $parser->has_problems ? :
813 4 18 if ($self->directives)
816 0 18 if $self->really_quiet
833 2 3 unless $result->is_test
839 6 2 unless ($message)