Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 86 65.1

line true false branch
44 1 5 if @_ and ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY'
49 0 10 unless defined ref $name and not ref $name
51 3 7 if ($name =~ s/\(([^)]*)\)$//s)
54 1 9 if (index($name, ':') > 0) { }
62 7 3 if (@_ and ref $_[0]) { }
2 1 elsif ($common_options) { }
64 1 6 if $common_options
74 9 1 if ($options)
78 1 19 if ($opt eq '--') { }
2 17 elsif ($opt eq '()') { }
9 8 elsif ($opt =~ /^\$?0$/s) { }
5 3 elsif ($opt =~ /^\@?ARGV$/) { }
0 3 elsif (not exists $OPTIONS{$opt_short}) { }
3 0 elsif (defined $OPTIONS{$opt_short}) { }
79 0 1 if $args and not $common_options
87 0 5 if ref $options->[0] ne 'ARRAY'
93 0 3 if (not defined $value) { }
0 3 elsif (ref $value ne $OPTIONS{$opt_short}) { }
105 1 9 unless ('File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($cmd))
107 1 0 if (length($vol) + length($dir) == 0)
114 5 5 $args ? :
10 0 defined $cmd ? :
118 5 5 if defined $proto
128 2 0 if ($handler) { }
141 0 16 if ref $_[$#_] eq 'CODE'
142 0 16 if ref $_[$#_]
155 3 13 if exists $options->{'ENV'}
157 0 16 if ($input) { }
159 0 0 unless $h = start(\@cmd, 'pipe', $out)
161 0 0 if exists $options->{'>'}
162 0 0 if (ref $input eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $input eq 'SCALAR') { }
170 0 16 unless $h = start(\@cmd, \(undef), '>pipe', $out)
172 0 16 if exists $options->{'<'}
173 6 10 if (wantarray) { }
8 2 elsif (defined wantarray) { }
175 0 6 if ($output_cb) { }
189 0 6 if $? >> 8
194 8 0 if defined($output = <$out>)
197 0 8 if $? >> 8
198 0 8 unless defined $output
201 0 2 if ($output_cb)
210 2 0 if $? >> 8