Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 54 64.8

line true false branch
137 1 1 if ($import and $import =~ /test/s)
142 0 2 if ($^O =~ /MSWin32/is)
152 0 13 if (scalar @_ & 1) { }
161 1 12 if ($params{'pid'} and $params{'file'})
165 1 1 unless ($params{'pid'} or $params{'file'} or $params{'pattern'})
169 2 9 if ($params{'file'}) { }
1 8 elsif ($params{'pattern'}) { }
170 0 2 unless -r $params{'file'}
175 1 1 unless $pid
186 3 6 unless ($pid =~ /^\d+$/s)
190 0 6 if ($pid > 4294967295)
228 0 4 unless $$hal{$program}
247 0 6 unless ($self->process_info)
280 0 6 unless $parse_result
293 1 0 if ($TEST) { }
309 3 1 if (/$pattern/s) { }
320 0 1 unless scalar @res
341 0 0 unless $self->pid
342 0 0 unless open PID, '>', $file
344 0 0 unless print PID $self->pid
361 0 10 if (ref $_[0] eq 'System::Process::Unit')
367 0 10 unless $out[1]
376 7 82 if (not @header) { }
401 6 11 if ($pid)
411 7 6 if (ref $param eq 'HASH') { }
427 1 0 if (CORE::kill 0, $pid)
444 0 1 unless (defined $signal)