Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 80 31.2

line true false branch
37 0 2 if (@_)
38 0 0 if @_ % 2
73 0 1 unless exists $$slot{'manufacturer'}
79 0 2 if $$self{'RESULTS'}
92 2 0 if $distro
102 0 0 if (-f $file and not -l $file)
115 2 0 if $release
117 0 0 unless ($$self{'DISTRIB_ID'} or $self->name)
122 0 0 exists $$slot{'version_match'} ? :
132 2 0 if (my $dn = $self->name) { }
138 2 0 unless $dn =~ /Linux/imsx
150 2 0 exists $$slot{'edition'} ? :
152 2 0 unless ($edition)
153 0 2 if ($version and not $version =~ /[0-9]/msx) { }
154 0 0 if ($name =~ /debian/imsx)
156 0 0 if (my $test = $Sys::Info::Driver::Linux::OS::Distribution::CONF{'debian'}{'vfix'}{lc $buf[0]})
164 0 2 if ($$slot{'use_codename_for_edition'} and $$self{'DISTRIB_CODENAME'})
168 0 0 unless $cn =~ /[0-9]/msx
180 2 0 if (-e {cpuinfo => '/proc/cpuinfo', fstab => '/etc/fstab', issue => '/etc/issue', loadavg => '/proc/loadavg', meminfo => '/proc/meminfo', resolv => '/etc/resolv.conf', swaps => '/proc/swaps', timezone => '/etc/timezone', uptime => '/proc/uptime', version => '/proc/version'}->{'version'} and -f _)
194 0 2 unless $build_date
196 2 0 if ($str =~ /\n \A\n Linux \s+ version \s\n (.+?)\n \s\n [(] .+? \@ .+? [)]\n (.*?)\n \z\n/ or $str =~ /\n \A\n linux \s+ [a-zA-Z0-9.]+ \s+\n ([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)?\n/)
198 2 0 if ($distro = $self->trim($2))
199 0 2 if ($distro =~ / \s\((.+?)\)\) \z /msx)
205 2 0 if not $distro or $distro =~ /\(gcc/msx
208 2 0 if $build_date
209 2 0 $build_date ? :
236 4 0 if ($rfile) { }
240 4 0 if $info
245 0 0 if (-d $dir)
246 0 0 m[$dir/(.*)]msx ? :
250 0 0 if $rv
253 0 0 if (my(@files) = glob($$self{'etc_dir'} . '/*release'))
257 0 0 if ($real)
266 0 0 unless $release
271 0 0 if $codename
280 0 0 if ($$self{'DISTRIB_ID'} and $$self{'DISTRIB_ID'} eq 'redhat' and $$self{'DISTRIB_NAME'} and index($$self{'DISTRIB_NAME'}, 'CentOS') != -1)
288 0 0 if $$self{$field}
301 0 4 unless $FH->open($file, '<')
303 0 4 unless $FH->close
309 4 2 if ($info)