Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 86 37.2

line true false branch
211 3 12 if defined $args->{$method}
212 0 12 if (defined $config->{$method})
224 12 12 if defined $args->{$method}
225 0 12 if (defined $config->{$method})
230 0 3 if (my $group_data = $config->{'groups'})
234 0 3 if ($config->{'no_news'})
253 0 3 unless (which($bare_speech_program))
259 0 3 if ($self->entertainment)
263 0 0 unless defined $program
265 0 0 unless (which($bare_program))
278 0 3 if ($self->entertainment)
292 0 0 if ($self->newsapi_key) { }
308 0 0 unless (fork)
363 2 23 if $drill->requires_side_switching
365 2 23 if $drill->requires_side_switching
368 0 25 if (defined $url)
369 0 0 if ($url =~ m[\]u)
373 0 0 if (defined $self->url_program)
375 0 0 if (defined $self->refocus_program)
381 2 23 if ($drill->requires_side_switching) { }
398 54 0 unless $seconds
406 0 0 if ($keystroke)
409 0 0 if (grep {$_ == $current_second;} @spoken_seconds or $current_second and not $current_second % 10)
413 0 0 if ($current_second >= $seconds_label_cutoff) { }
431 0 77 if (-e $temp_file and $self->drill_length)
454 25 0 unless ($self->entertainment)
462 0 0 if ($drill->requires_side_switching) { }
467 0 0 if ($article) { }
484 1 0 unless $self->entertainment
492 0 0 unless (length $text)
506 0 0 if ($response->is_success) { }
528 77 5 if -e $temp_file
531 3 2 if ($pid) { }
591 3 36 unless (@drills)
596 0 39 if ($self->shuffle)
603 3 36 if @final_drills == $self->drill_count
656 0 42 if ($key =~ /-/u)
669 0 0 unless $self->refocus
673 0 0 if ((uname())[0] eq 'Darwin') { }
674 0 0 unless (which('pstree'))
682 0 0 if ($app) { }
693 0 0 unless (which('xdotool'))
701 0 0 if ($window_id) { }