Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 32 65.6

line true false branch
32 1 0 unless defined &subname
38 1 0 if (ref $value and ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { }
49 0 32 unless defined $name and length $name
52 22 10 if $name =~ /::/
56 10 10 if $pkg eq 'Sub::SmartMatch'
70 0 11 unless (ref $body and reftype $body eq 'CODE')
71 0 0 ref $body ? :
0 0 defined $body ? :
81 1 10 if $exact
93 0 2 unless ref $body and reftype $body eq 'CODE'
107 6 11 unless (exists $variants{$name})
115 37 18 if ($partial) { }
125 6 0 if (my $default = $default{$name}) { }
142 2 15 if @args
152 0 2 unless @variants % 2 == 0
158 2 3 if (not ref $case and $case ~~ 'default') { }