Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 16 68.7

line true false branch
24 4 12 $sub =~ /(.*::)((?:(?!::).)*)\z/s ? :
26 0 16 unless exists((my $stash = \%$stashname)->{$key})
27 0 16 if ref $$stash{$key} eq 'SCALAR'
31 0 16 unless defined *$glob{'CODE'}
37 16 0 if ($check_importedness)
40 29 19 unless defined *$glob{$_}
46 11 0 if keys %imported_slots == 1 and exists $imported_slots{'SCALAR'} and not $imported_slots{'SCALAR'} and &Internals::SvREFCNT(\$$glob) == 1 and not defined *$glob{'IO'} and not defined *$glob{'FORMAT'}
57 1 7 !$check_importedness || $imported_slots{$_} ? :