Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 49 62 79.0

line true false branch
51 3 47 if scalar @_ != 1 or not defined $_[0]
65 0 5 if scalar @_ != 1 or not defined $_[0] or ref $_[0] ne 'CODE'
68 6 16 unless defined $_[0]
77 0 3 if scalar @_ != 1 or not defined $_[0] or ref $_[0] ne 'CODE'
80 6 15 unless defined $_[0]
89 0 2 if scalar @_ != 1 or not defined $_[0] or ref $_[0] ne 'CODE'
98 0 2 if scalar @tests < 2
100 0 5 if not defined $test or ref $test ne 'CODE'
106 6 8 if (&$test(@args))
116 0 1 if scalar @tests < 2
118 0 2 if not defined $test or ref $test ne 'CODE'
124 1 3 unless (&$test(@args))
133 0 3 if scalar @_ != 1 or not defined $_[0] or ref $_[0] ne ''
136 1 10 unless defined $_[0]
137 5 5 ref $_[0] eq $type ? :
159 1 55 unless defined $fullname
160 1 54 if keys %args != 0
166 46 8 if (not $fullname =~ /::/) { }
174 4 50 unless (defined $contractor_cref)
188 1 49 if $pool->has_contract($contractor)
208 0 57 if (exists $$self{'cache'})
231 113 68 if (not defined $check or ref $check eq 'CODE') { }
60 8 elsif (ref $check eq '') { }
245 12 87 if (scalar @checks % 2)
256 82 6 if (defined $key and ref $key eq '') { }
258 2 80 if (exists $known_keys{$key})
264 72 8 if (not defined $check or ref $check eq 'CODE') { }
293 0 8 if scalar @_ != 3
295 0 8 if defined $subref and ref $subref ne 'CODE'
314 0 8 if scalar @_ != 2
316 0 8 if defined $subref and ref $subref ne 'CODE'