Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 53 60 88.3

line true false branch
39 0 14 ref $_[0] ? :
56 4 10 if (my $val = delete $opts{$key})
58 1 3 unless grep {$val eq $_;} @vals
73 0 37 ref $_[0] ? :
85 8 18 if $$self{'queue'}
94 6 20 if ($ref eq 'HASH') { }
5 15 elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
96 2 4 if $before
101 2 4 if $after
106 4 1 if $before
112 4 1 if $after
116 4 11 if $before
118 4 11 if $after
127 8 8 if ($$self{'hook_as_hash'}) { }
128 4 4 if (ref $fields eq 'ARRAY') { }
149 10 37 unless my $chain = $self->chain($field, $opts)
159 3 61 if $$self{'queue'}
162 54 10 if (my $chain = $$self{'fields'}{$name})
166 2 8 if $$self{'warn_no_field'} eq 'always' or $$self{'warn_no_field'} eq 'single' and not $$opts{'multi'}
177 0 14 unless my $queue = $$self{'queue'}
188 33 12 unless $$opts{'hooks'}
197 5 40 if (my $groups = $$opts{'groups'})
219 1 2 if $$self{'dequeued'}
227 0 5 unless @_
231 1 4 if $$self{'dequeued'}
239 0 6 if @_
268 41 329 if exists $$opts{$key}
275 26 85 if exists $norm{$type} and not ref $norm{$type}
289 0 2 unless my $dequeued = delete $$self{'dequeued'}
292 2 0 unless $$self{'queue'}