Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 24 54.1

line true false branch
32 2 0 @_ ? :
39 2 2 if ($$CALL{'function'} and $$CALL{'function'} =~ /ANON/ and $call < $frames) { }
0 2 elsif ($call < $frames) { }
44 0 0 if $c
57 3 0 if (@_)
58 2 1 ref $_[0] ? :
60 0 3 if ($_[0] =~ /all/i)
63 0 0 if defined &{$pkg . "::$f";} and checkFunc(\&{$pkg . "::$f";}) eq $pkg
69 2 1 if (not defined &{$pkg . '::aDdCaLLer';})
84 0 1 unless (defined &{$pkg . "::$f";})
87 0 1 if (defined &{$pkg . "::_$f";})
96 2 0 if ($pkg eq 'main') { }