Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 77 86 89.5

line true false branch
51 5 49 if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { }
53 3 2 if ($_[0]{'exclude'})
61 7 42 if (defined $_[0])
69 10 44 if (@excluded > 0)
76 4 50 if (@words == 1 and length $words[0] == 1) { }
78 1 3 if ($words[0] =~ /^\p{Lu}$/) { }
1 2 elsif ($words[0] =~ /^\p{Ll}$/) { }
93 10 169 _exclude($_, \%excluded) ? :
124 8 171 if $$excluded_href{$word}
126 5 166 if ($word =~ /[-']/) { }
129 2 3 if (@excluded) { }
166 19 6 if ($ref_profile{'string_type'})
168 16 3 if ($types{$ref_string_type} and $ref_string_type ne 'other') { }
2 1 elsif ($ref_string_type eq 'other') { }
179 16 7 if ($legal) { }
6 1 elsif ($ref_profile{'custom'}) { }
180 4 12 if ($ref_string_type eq '1st_uc') { }
181 0 4 if ($word_types[0] eq 'excluded') { }
192 1 12 if ($word_types[$i] eq 'excluded') { }
205 2 46 if ($word_types[$i] eq 'excluded' and $ref_string_type ne 'all_uc') { }
226 4 2 if ($ref_profile{'custom'}{'default'})
228 3 1 if ($types{$type} and $types{$type} ne 'other') { }
240 3 19 if ($in_index) { }
5 14 elsif ($trigger_type) { }
7 7 elsif ($default_type) { }
241 1 2 if ($word_types[$i] eq 'excluded' and $in_index ne 'all_uc') { }
2 0 elsif ($in_index ne $word_types[$i]) { }
257 0 5 if ($word_types[$i] eq 'excluded' and $ref_string_type ne 'all_uc') { }
272 0 7 if ($word_types[$i] eq 'excluded' and $ref_string_type ne 'all_uc') { }
292 22 1 if (@transformed)
310 7 0 if ($from and $to) { }
0 0 elsif (not $from || $to) { }
0 0 elsif (not $from) { }
312 2 5 if ($exclude or $strict) { }
352 4 165 if ($word =~ /^[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]$/i) { }
23 142 elsif ($word =~ /^\p{Lu}(?:\p{Ll}|[-'\x92\xB7])*$/) { }
116 26 elsif ($word =~ /^(?:\p{Ll}|[-'\x92\xB7])+$/) { }
18 8 elsif ($word =~ /^(?:\p{Lu}|[-'\x92\xB7])+$/) { }
376 52 2 unless $strict
380 21 33 if ($clean_str =~ /^fl*$/) { }
9 24 elsif ($clean_str =~ /^u+$/) { }
20 4 elsif ($clean_str =~ /^l+$/) { }
397 2 74 if $word_type eq 'other' and not $force