Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 10 72 13.8

line true false branch
20 0 0 if ($] < 5.006 and exists $INC{'Fake/'}) { }
54 0 0 if ($] >= 5.006 or not exists $INC{'Modern/'})
74 0 0 if ($seen_semicolon)
77 0 0 if ($proto =~ s/^\s*\\([\@%\$\&])//)
81 0 0 if ($proto =~ s/^\s*([*\$&])//)
85 0 0 if ($proto =~ s/^\s*(;\s*)?\@//)
89 0 0 if ($proto =~ s/^\s*;//)
98 0 0 if (@prototype == 1) { }
129 0 0 if ($@)
132 0 0 unless (defined $proto)
147 0 0 if $@
171 0 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^Use of reserved word "our" is deprecated at / and exists $INC{'Fake/'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($_[0] =~ /Name "main::[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*" used only once:/) { }
177 0 0 if ($] < 5.012) { }
192 1 0 if defined $^E
203 0 12 if $package eq 'Strict::Perl'
204 0 12 if $package eq 'Carp'
207 5 7 if (open SCRIPT, $filename)
210 5 0 if $line - 2 >= 1
211 5 0 if $line - 1 >= 1
212 5 0 if defined $script[$line + 0]
213 5 0 if defined $script[$line + 1]
214 5 0 if defined $script[$line + 2]
262 0 0 if ($version != $Strict::Perl::VERSION)
273 0 0 unless ('Strict/' =~ m( \b Strict[/\\]Perl\.pm \z)x)
279 0 0 unless ($Strict::Perl::VERSION_called)
291 0 0 if ($] >= 5.010001)
299 0 0 if (open SCRIPT, $0)
305 0 0 if (grep /^[#]line\s+[0-9]+/x, @_)
308 0 0 if (/^[#]line\s+[0-9]+/x)
315 0 0 if (/^__END__$/x)
318 0 0 if (/ (?] ) ( goto | redo | until | foreach | format | write | formline | msgctl | msgget | msgrcv | msgsnd | semctl | semget | semop | shmctl | shmget | shmread | shmwrite | given | when ) \b /x) { }
0 0 elsif (/ ( \$ARRAY_BASE \b | \$\[ | \$OFMT \b | \$\# (?![A-Za-z_\{]) | \@F \b | \$\^H \b | \$OUTPUT_FIELD_SEPARATOR \b | \$OFS \b | \$\, | \$OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR \b | \$ORS \b | \$\\ | \$LIST_SEPARATOR \b | \$\" | \$SUBSCRIPT_SEPARATOR \b | \$SUBSEP \b | \$\; | \$MULTILINE_MATCHING \b | \$\* | \$PREMATCH \b | \$\` | \$MATCH \b | \$\& | \$POSTMATCH \b | \$\' | \$FORMAT_PAGE_NUMBER \b | \$\% | \$FORMAT_LINES_PER_PAGE \b | \$\= | \$FORMAT_LINES_LEFT \b | \$\- | \$FORMAT_NAME \b | \$\~ | \$FORMAT_TOP_NAME \b | \$\^ (?![A-Za-z_\{]) | \$FORMAT_LINE_BREAK_CHARACTERS \b | \$\: (?![:]) | \$FORMAT_FORMFEED \b | \$\^L \b | \$ACCUMULATOR \b | \$\^A \b ) /x) { }
0 0 elsif (/ ( ~~ ) /x) { }
361 0 0 if (/ \b $mustword \b /x)
370 0 0 unless ($used{$mustword})