Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 57 60 95.0

line true false branch
108 0 613 if $in_global_destruction
109 505 108 if (--$FILE_STORES{$self->_realpath} <= 0)
130 30 86 unless $path->is_file
131 4 82 unless $self->_is_owned_path($path)
132 0 82 unless $self->is_document($path)
146 3135 20232 if $store_path eq $self_path
148 667 19565 if $self_path =~ /^\Q$store_path\E/
149 513 19052 if $path =~ /^\Q$store_path\E/
169 5 574 $doc{'class'} ? :
171 2 577 if ($@)
172 2 0 if (ref $@ and $@->isa('Error::TypeTiny::Assertion')) { }
173 1 1 if ($@->attribute_name eq 'date')
205 6 586 unless $content
209 566 20 if (@lines and $lines[0] =~ /^---/) { }
12 9 elsif (@lines and $lines[0] =~ /^{/) { }
216 1 565 unless (defined $i)
224 1 564 if ($@)
233 5 7 if ($lines[0] =~ /\}$/) { }
241 1 6 unless (defined $i)
249 1 10 if ($@)
272 1 9 if ($path->is_absolute)
285 2 7 if (defined wantarray)
295 3 6 if (exists $doc->{'date'})
299 2 16 if (exists $doc->{$hash_type} and not keys %{$$doc{$hash_type};})
392 2419 3161 if $path->is_dir
393 509 2652 unless $self->_is_owned_path($path)
394 7 2645 if not $opt{'include_documents'} and $self->is_document($path)
397 190 2645 unless $path
435 2 1455 if (ref $content eq 'GLOB') { }
485 970 elsif (&blessed($content) and $content->isa('Path::Tiny')) { }