Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 49 54 90.7

line true false branch
462 84 521 $self->_nav->{$name} ? :
495 2 47 if ($index_path and not $index_path =~ m[^/])
505 83 4 if ($app->DOES('Statocles::App::Role::Store'))
517 2 85 if ($app_name eq $index_path)
519 1 1 unless @app_pages
530 25 1236 if ($path =~ /$index_path_re/)
543 1 1260 if ($seen_paths{$path}{$app_name})
557 2 46 if ($self->index and not exists $seen_paths{'/index.html'})
559 1 1 unless ($index_document =~ s/[.]html?/.markdown/)
570 2 1256 if (keys %seen_apps > 1) { }
608 14 32 if ($self->_write_deploy)
616 1 0 $self->index ? :
45 1 $self->index =~ m[^/] ? :
622 383 876 unless ($page->has_dom)
633 18 808 if ($is_index and $index_orig_path and not $url =~ m[^([A-Za-z]+:|/)])
637 2250 6779 unless $url =~ m[^/(?:[^/]|$)]
640 338 6441 if ($index_root and $url =~ m[^$index_root(?:/index[.]html)?$])
644 409 6370 if ($base_path =~ /\S/)
695 0 0 unless $path->exists
748 2 1154 if ($add_link)
753 60 1094 $self->_links->{$name} ? :
754 1154 0 wantarray ? :
767 710 8211 $self->_write_deploy && $self->_write_deploy->base_url ? :
797 853 0 if (@parts == 1)
799 757 93 $parts[0] eq 'layout.html' ? :
3 850 $self->_templates->{$parts[0]} ? :
807 2 755 if ($parts[0] eq 'layout' and $parts[1] eq 'default.html' and not $self->theme->store->path->child(@parts)->is_file and $self->theme->store->path->child('site', 'layout.html.ep')->is_file)