Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 34 0.0

line true false branch
70 0 0 unless $n == @$x
79 0 0 unless defined $y1 and $y1 =~ /\d/ and defined $x1 and $x1 =~ /\d/
83 0 0 unless defined $y2 and $y2 =~ /\d/
85 0 0 if ($y2 == $y1)
90 0 0 unless defined $x2 and $x2 =~ /\d/
92 0 0 if $x2 == $x1
136 0 0 if (@_ == 2) { }
0 0 elsif (@_) { }
155 0 0 unless @_ == 2
158 0 0 unless @$Y == @$X
180 0 0 if $n != @{$$o{'X'};}
188 0 0 if (exists $X{$_}) { }
197 0 0 if ($divZeroCounts)
205 0 0 if (not defined $y && $y =~ /\d/ or $y != $y + 0 or not defined $x or not $x =~ /\d/ or $x != $x + 0)
211 0 0 if ($missing)
235 0 0 unless $$o{'runSinceAddData'}
250 0 0 unless $$o{'runSinceAddData'}