Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 38 68.4

line true false branch
34 0 9 unless (List::Vectorize::is_array_ref($p) or List::Vectorize::is_hash_ref($p))
39 9 11 if (List::Vectorize::is_hash_ref($p))
44 0 20 if (max($p) > 1 or min($p) < 0)
54 10 8 if (is_empty($name)) { }
235 0 8 unless (List::Vectorize::is_array_ref($lambda))
239 0 8 if (len($lambda) > 1 and len($lambda) < 4)
242 0 6 if (len($lambda) > 1 and min($lambda) < 0 || max($lambda) >= 1)
250 2 6 if (len($lambda) == 1) { }
252 0 2 if ($lambda < 0 or $lambda >= 1)
301 2 6 if ($pi0 <= 0)
324 2 4 if ($robust)
356 1217 114 if ($sign eq '>' or $sign eq '>=') { }
0 114 elsif ($sign eq '<' or $sign eq '<=') { }
114 0 elsif ($sign eq '==') { }
357 593 624 if ($left > $right) { }
38 586 elsif (abs($left - $right) < 1e-10) { }
368 0 0 if ($left < $right) { }
0 0 elsif (abs($left - $right) < 1e-10) { }
379 26 88 if (abs($left - $right) < 1e-10) { }