Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 51 104 49.0

line true false branch
92 31 6 if (wantarray)
105 27 0 if (wantarray)
115 3 31 if ($$self{'sum_cnt'} == 0)
133 0 18 unless (_isNumber($x))
135 12 6 if (not defined $y) { }
0 6 elsif (not _notNegative($y)) { }
141 0 18 if (defined $w and not _isPositive($w))
153 4 14 if (scalar @{$$self{'data'};} == 1) { }
157 4 10 $x < $$self{'min'} ? :
158 4 10 $x > $$self{'max'} ? :
206 0 1790 unless ($mode eq 'pdf' or $mode eq 'cdf' or $mode eq 'curvature')
208 0 15795 unless (_isNumber($x))
212 0 15795 if ($count == 0)
215 0 15795 if ($bandwidth_mode eq 'fromdata')
218 0 0 if (not defined $$p{'wid'}) { }
232 15795 0 if ($bandwidth_mode eq 'default')
233 0 15795 if (not defined $w) { }
0 15795 elsif (not _notNegative($w)) { }
258 0 2 unless (_isPositive($bins) and $bins == int $bins)
262 1 1 if ($self->count == 0)
266 0 1 if ($bins == 1)
283 0 6 if ($x < $lo) { }
6 0 elsif ($lo <= $x and $x < $hi) { }
0 0 elsif ($hi <= $x) { }
315 31616 0 if (defined $in and $in =~ /^[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$/)
322 2 0 if (_isNumber($in) and $in > 0)
328 15801 0 if (_isNumber($in) and $in >= 0)
355 0 2 @_ ? :
356 0 2 @_ ? :
358 0 2 unless ($$self{'optimizable'})
362 1 1 if ($$self{'sum_cnt'} == 0)
378 0 25 if (abs $y < $eps * $y0)
381 0 1 if (wantarray)
389 0 0 @_ ? :
390 0 0 @_ ? :
391 0 0 @_ ? :
393 0 0 unless ($$self{'optimizable'})
397 0 0 if ($$self{'sum_cnt'} == 0)
402 0 0 unless ($y0 * $y1 < 0)
413 0 0 if (abs $y < $eps * $y0)
415 0 0 if ($y * $y0 < 0) { }
422 0 0 if (wantarray)
461 0 27 $maxn > 2048 ? :
473 27 135 if ($n > 8 and abs $y * $dx - 0.5 * $yy < $eps * $yy)
499 4 0 if ($x >= $m) { }
514 9505 500 if ($x < $m - 0.5 * $s or $x > $m + 0.5 * $s)
520 0 4 if ($x < $m - 0.5 * $s)
521 4 0 if ($x > $m + 0.5 * $s)
532 16201 1800 if (abs $z > 1)
539 0 4 if ($z < -1)
540 4 0 if ($z > 1)
547 0 0 if (abs $z > 1)