Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 76 112 67.8

line true false branch
83 149 148 $header ? :
84 12 285 $exclude_header ? :
94 288 9 if ($self->_has_styles_positions)
95 0 288 if ($position > $self->_get_styles_count - 1)
102 140 148 if ($header) { }
12 136 elsif ($exclude_header) { }
103 140 0 $target_ref->{$header} ? :
117 0 9 unless ($success)
132 2 6 $header ? :
133 0 8 $exclude_header ? :
143 5 3 if ($self->_has_generic_styles_positions)
144 0 5 if ($position > $self->_get_generic_styles_count - 1)
151 2 3 if ($header) { }
0 3 elsif ($exclude_header) { }
152 2 0 $target_ref->{$header} ? :
166 0 3 unless ($key)
189 26 0 if ((keys %$current_node)[0] eq 'styleSheet') { }
200 26 0 if ($result) { }
211 23 3 if ($self->should_cache_positions) { }
224 1 13 exists $top_level_ref->{'numFmts'}{'list'} ? :
9 14 !exists $top_level_ref->{'numFmts'} ? :
230 3 0 if ($result)
238 0 3 exists $top_level_ref->{'list'} ? :
246 17 9 if ($custom_format_ref)
262 23 3 if ($self->should_cache_positions)
267 0 23 if (not exists $top_level_ref->{'cellXfs'} && (exists $top_level_ref->{'cellXfs'}{'list'} || exists $top_level_ref->{'cellXfs'}{'xf'})) { }
272 19 4 exists $top_level_ref->{'cellXfs'}{'list'} ? :
287 23 0 if (exists $top_level_ref->{'cellStyleXfs'} and exists $top_level_ref->{'cellStyleXfs'}{'list'} || exists $top_level_ref->{'cellStyleXfs'}{'xf'})
290 1 22 exists $top_level_ref->{'cellStyleXfs'}{'list'} ? :
362 9 3 if ($target_header)
363 9 0 if (exists $xml_from_cell->{$target_header} and exists $$base_ref{$xml_from_cell->{$target_header}}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $base_ref->{$target_header}) { }
372 0 0 exists $cell_attributes->{$target_header} ? :
381 3 9 unless ($return_ref)
386 0 12 if ($exclude_header)
389 0 0 if (exists $xml_from_cell->{$exclude_header} and exists $$return_ref{$xml_from_cell->{$exclude_header}}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $base_ref->{$target_header}) { }
409 0 27 exists $key_translations->{$target_header} ? :
410 27 0 exists $element_lookup->{$target_header} ? :
420 0 27 if ($target_header =~ /^apply/) { }
0 27 elsif ($target_header eq 'numFmtId') { }
0 27 elsif (not exists $cell_attributes->{$target_header}) { }
433 27 0 if (&is_Int($target_position)) { }
445 0 27 if ($current_node->{'name'} eq $target_header) { }
455 14 13 unless ($result)
464 0 27 unless ($result)
477 0 27 unless ($result)
511 367 0 if (&is_HashRef($current_ref)) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $current_ref) { }
517 331 1899 if ($attribute eq 'xfId' or $attribute eq 'builtinId') { }
361 1538 elsif ($attribute eq 'numFmtId') { }
1080 458 elsif ($attribute =~ /Id$/i) { }
77 381 elsif (exists $cell_attributes->{$attribute}) { }
528 1065 15 if ($self->should_cache_positions) { }
532 370 695 exists $sub_node->{'count'} ? :
533 695 370 exists $sub_node->{'list'} ? :