Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 200 244 81.9

line true false branch
116 1 1 if (defined $code_max) { }
150 74 1 if (defined $code_max) { }
176 9 1 if (defined $code_max) { }
201 9 1 if (defined $code_max) { }
227 1 3 unless $row
231 4 6 unless $merge_cell
232 4 2 if exists $dup_ref->{$merge_cell}
263 6 6 if (&is_Int($item)) { }
273 4 8 $column_formats && exists $column_formats->{'hidden'} ? :
0 12 $column < $self->_min_col || $self->_max_col < $column ? :
276 4 8 if $_
279 2 0 wantarray ? :
299 5 9 $row_formats && exists $row_formats->{'hidden'} ? :
2 14 $code_row < $self->_min_row || $self->_max_row < $code_row ? :
302 5 11 if $_
305 1 0 wantarray ? :
319 0 356 if (not defined $requested_row) { }
327 0 356 if (not defined $requested_column) { }
341 348 8 if (&is_Int($current_row)) { }
344 7 46 $self->has_max_col && $requested_column > $self->max_col ? :
295 53 $current_row == $excel_requested_row ? :
356 190 166 if ($current_column and &is_HashRef($current_column)) { }
360 80 8 &is_Int($current_row) ? :
78 88 $current_column ? :
364 86 80 if ($return)
365 58 28 if ($return eq 'EOD')
366 0 58 if ($self->is_empty_the_end) { }
379 8 20 $return eq 'EOF' ? :
58 28 !$return ? :
385 2 164 if ($return and not $self->boundary_flag_setting)
407 70 6 if ($self->has_new_row_inst) { }
414 2 28 if ($self->get_values_only and &is_HashRef($next_cell) and !(exists $next_cell->{'cell_xml_value'} || exists $next_cell->{'cell_unformatted'}) || exists $next_cell->{'cell_xml_value'} && length $next_cell->{'cell_xml_value'} == 0)
425 34 42 if (not $next_cell or $next_cell eq 'EOR')
431 6 29 $current_row eq 'EOF' ? :
436 6 29 if ($next_cell eq 'EOF')
439 5 1 $self->boundary_flag_setting ? :
443 1 12 if ($self->get_values_only and &is_HashRef($next_cell) and !(exists $next_cell->{'cell_xml_value'} || exists $next_cell->{'cell_unformatted'}) || exists $next_cell->{'cell_xml_value'} && length $next_cell->{'cell_xml_value'} == 0)
471 138 10 if (not defined $row) { }
490 14 23 $current_row eq 'EOF' ? :
111 37 &is_Int($current_row) && $current_row == $row ? :
498 125 23 if ($result) { }
499 111 14 if (&is_ArrayRef($result)) { }
501 354 92 if (&is_HashRef($cell)) { }
507 0 354 if ($self->get_values_only and &is_HashRef($cell) and !(exists $cell->{'cell_xml_value'} || exists $cell->{'cell_unformatted'}) || exists $cell->{'cell_xml_value'} && length $cell->{'cell_xml_value'} == 0) { }
519 13 1 $self->boundary_flag_setting ? :
545 1 0 &is_Str($array_ref) ? :
14 1 &is_ArrayRef($array_ref) ? :
565 0 2 if ($old_output eq 'instance') { }
573 0 2 if (scalar @header_row_list == 0)
580 0 2 if (ref $row)
586 2 0 if $row > $last_header_row
591 10 0 unless defined $header_ref->[$x]
596 0 2 if ($code_ref)
607 0 2 if $old_output
618 2 14 if (not $self->_has_header_ref) { }
2 22 elsif (defined $row and $row <= $self->get_last_header_row) { }
629 2 10 if not $array_ref or $array_ref eq 'EOF'
636 0 10 $min_col && $min_col > $start ? :
637 10 0 $max_col && $max_col < $end ? :
646 40 0 defined $header_ref->[$x] ? :
649 30 10 if (defined $array_ref->[$x])
667 0 3 if (not @input_args) { }
0 3 elsif (&is_HashRef($input_args[0]) and @input_args == 1) { }
3 0 elsif (@input_args % 2 == 0) { }
683 0 9 if ($key eq '' or not $key =~ /[A-Z]{0,3}(\d*)/u) { }
0 9 elsif (&is_Object($args->{$key})) { }
694 0 9 unless ($new_coercion)
701 0 9 if (not $new_coercion->can('assert_coerce')) { }
0 9 elsif (not $new_coercion->can('display_name')) { }
766 614 0 if (&is_HashRef($result)) { }
0 0 elsif ($result) { }
767 573 41 if exists $result->{'cell_xml_value'} and defined $result->{'cell_xml_value'}
768 20 594 if exists $result->{'cell_unformatted'} and defined $result->{'cell_unformatted'}
772 31 2 if (not exists $return->{'cell_unformatted'} and exists $return->{'cell_xml_value'} and $return->{'cell_xml_value'} =~ /^(\-)?((\d{1,3})?(\.\d+)?)[Ee](\-)?(\d+)$/u and $2 and $6 and $6 < 309)
777 0 31 $1 ? :
779 31 0 $5 ? :
783 5 0 defined $3 ? :
26 5 !$2 ? :
786 31 0 length $exp_sign > 0 ? :
791 3 28 if ($initial_significant_digits > 19) { }
800 28 0 $initial_significant_digits > -1 ? :
809 3 0 defined $3 ? :
28 3 !$2 ? :
813 1 0 $short_sig_digit == 5 ? :
0 1 $short_sig_digit == 4 ? :
1 1 $short_sig_digit == 3 ? :
0 2 $short_sig_digit == 2 ? :
1 2 $short_sig_digit == 1 ? :
5 3 $short_sig_digit == 0 ? :
23 8 $initial_significant_digits < 10 ? :
828 37 577 if exists $result->{'cell_merge'}
829 229 385 if exists $result->{'cell_hidden'}
830 522 41 if (not exists $return->{'cell_unformatted'} and exists $result->{'cell_xml_value'})
832 516 6 unless $return->{'rich_text'}
839 548 66 if ($return->{'cell_unformatted'} and length $return->{'cell_unformatted'} > 0)
844 49 565 if ($self->get_group_return_type eq 'unformatted')
849 505 60 if ($return->{'cell_xml_value'} and length $return->{'cell_xml_value'} > 0)
854 0 565 if ($self->get_group_return_type eq 'xml_value')
862 6 559 if ($self->has_custom_format($result->{'r'})) { }
869 0 559 if ($self->has_custom_format($col_letter)) { }
6 553 elsif ($self->has_custom_format($excel_row)) { }
881 12 553 if ($custom_format)
884 0 12 if ($self->get_group_return_type eq 'value')
901 48 0 if (exists $result->{'cell_formula'} and defined $result->{'cell_formula'} and length $result->{'cell_formula'} > 0)
911 370 195 if (exists $result->{'s'})
912 198 172 $self->get_group_return_type eq 'value' ? :
913 12 358 $custom_format ? :
915 0 370 if ($header and $exclude_header and $header eq $exclude_header) { }
346 24 elsif ($self->has_styles_interface) { }
929 12 358 if ($custom_format) { }
10 348 elsif ($scientific_format and !exists $format->{'cell_coercion'} || $format->{'cell_coercion'}->display_name eq 'Excel_number_0' || $format->{'cell_coercion'}->display_name eq 'Excel_text_0') { }
943 198 172 if ($self->get_group_return_type eq 'value')
953 148 24 if ($self->has_styles_interface)
957 597 291 if (exists $format->{$header})
961 126 471 if ($header eq 'cell_coercion')
962 22 104 if ($return->{'cell_type'} eq 'Numeric' and $format->{$header}->name =~ /date/iu)
973 1 147 if (exists $format->{'quotePrefix'})
977 0 1 $return->{'cell_formula'} ? :
984 3 364 if ($scientific_format and not exists $return->{'cell_coercion'})
993 118 249 if ($self->get_group_return_type eq 'value')
1011 98 151 unless $return->{'cell_coercion'}
1029 19 12 if ($self->has_file)