Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 91 110 82.7

line true false branch
51 13 70 unless ($sheets)
75 0 0 unless $stack
85 13154 0 if ($ns_prefix) { }
88 12930 224 if ($url and $url eq '') { }
112 26 6551 if (grep {/^xmlns:(.*)$/;} keys %$attrs)
116 91 26 if ($attr =~ /^xmlns:(.*)$/)
126 6564 13 if $Spreadsheet::ReadGnumeric::Self->current_elt
154 6465 112 if ($gnumeric_p)
156 4275 2190 if $Spreadsheet::ReadGnumeric::Self->can($method)
163 13 6564 unless @$stack
179 54 90 if (length $alpha == 0) { }
193 0 22 unless $alpha
202 1286 36 $value <= 26 ? :
219 0 29 if ($formula =~ /^([-+]?[\d.]+([-+]?[eE]\d+)?)/) { }
14 15 elsif ($formula =~ /^(\w+\d+)/) { }
246 32 35 if (ref $_) { }
280 13 0 unless (defined $gzipped_p)
281 0 13 unless (read $stream, my $block, 2)
297 2 11 if (ref $input) { }
2 9 elsif ($input =~ /\A(\037\213|<\?xml)/) { }
306 0 9 unless open $stream, "<", $input
309 2 11 ref $input ? :
6 7 if $self->stream_gzipped_p($stream, ref $input ? () : $input)
322 136 35 unless $$stack[@$stack - 1][0] eq "Sheet"
339 0 35 unless defined $maxrow
349 4 0 if $self->attr
360 720 1628 if (my $id = $keys{'ExprID'})
361 710 10 if (not $self->process_formulas) { }
4 6 elsif ($text) { }
6 0 elsif (my $expr = $$self{'_formulas'}[$id]) { }
371 2 4 unless $parsed
387 692 1656 unless $text
388 1176 480 if $self->rc
390 1176 480 if $self->cells
392 342 1314 if $self->attr
406 11 24 if $self->{'_sheet'}{'cell'}
410 8 27 if ($attr)
411 3 5 if $attr eq "keep"
415 8 0 unless ($self->minimal_attributes)
425 2 6 if ($merged)
431 2 2 $merge_p ? :
434 4 0 $self->rc ? :
448 6 6 if ($merge_p)
449 6 0 if $self->rc
452 6 0 if $self->cells
477 216 0 $value =~ /^GNM_.ALIGN_(.*)$/ ? :
488 342 171 if ($len <= 2) { }
0 171 elsif ($len == 3) { }
535 2052 0 $conversion ? :
537 153 1899 if $color_p and not $convert_colors
551 441 108 unless $self->attr
562 441 108 unless $self->attr
563 0 108 unless my $style_attributes = $self->style_attributes
574 342 2400 if ($style_region->start_col <= $col and $col <= $style_region->end_col and $style_region->start_row <= $row and $row <= $style_region->end_row)
593 441 108 unless $self->attr