Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 666 1680 39.6

line true false branch
518 20 5150 unless $linetype
520 5067 83 if ($linetype eq 'cell') { }
0 83 elsif ($linetype eq 'col') { }
0 83 elsif ($linetype eq 'row') { }
21 62 elsif ($linetype eq 'sheet') { }
41 21 elsif ($linetype eq 'name') { }
0 21 elsif ($linetype eq 'layout') { }
0 21 elsif ($linetype eq 'font') { }
0 21 elsif ($linetype eq 'color') { }
0 21 elsif ($linetype eq 'border') { }
0 21 elsif ($linetype eq 'cellformat') { }
0 21 elsif ($linetype eq 'valueformat') { }
21 0 elsif ($linetype eq 'version') { }
0 0 elsif ($linetype eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($linetype eq 'clipboardrange') { }
0 0 elsif ($linetype eq 'clipboard') { }
523 5067 0 if $type
526 163 4904 if $col > $maxcol
527 967 4100 if $row > $maxrow
529 2423 2664 if ($type eq 'v') { }
1352 1312 elsif ($type eq 't') { }
0 1312 elsif ($type eq 'vt') { }
632 680 elsif ($type eq 'vtf') { }
660 20 elsif ($type eq 'vtc') { }
0 20 elsif ($type eq 'vf') { }
20 0 elsif ($type eq 'e') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'b') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'l') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'f') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'c') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'bg') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'cf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'cvf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'ntvf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'tvf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'colspan') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'rowspan') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'cssc') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'csss') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'mod') { }
543 0 0 if (substr($valuetype, 0, 1) eq 'n') { }
568 0 0 if (substr($value, 0, 1) eq 'N') { }
0 0 elsif (substr($value, 0, 1) eq 'T') { }
0 0 elsif (substr($value, 0, 1) eq 'H') { }
581 0 0 $$valuetypes{$coord} =~ /[^0-9+\-\.]/ ? :
643 0 0 if ($type eq 'w')
647 0 0 if ($type eq 'hide') { }
659 0 0 if ($type eq 'h')
663 0 0 if ($type eq 'hide') { }
674 21 21 if ($type eq 'c') { }
21 0 elsif ($type eq 'r') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'w') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'h') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'tf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'ntf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'layout') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'font') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'vf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'tvf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'ntvf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'color') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'bgcolor') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'circularreferencecell') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'recalc') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'needsrecalc') { }
759 0 0 if ($$sheetdata{'version'} < 1.2)
760 0 0 length $old_formats_map{$value} >= 1 ? :
765 0 0 if ($value eq 'General-separator')
794 0 0 unless ($$sheetdata{'clipboard'}{'range'})
800 0 0 if ($type eq 'v') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 't') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'vt') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'vtf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'vtc') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'vf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'e') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'b') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'l') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'f') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'c') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'bg') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'cf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'cvf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'ntvf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'tvf') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'colspan') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'rowspan') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'cssc') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'csss') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'mod') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'norange') { }
814 0 0 if (substr($valuetype, 0, 1) eq 'n') { }
839 0 0 if (substr($value, 0, 1) eq 'N') { }
0 0 elsif (substr($value, 0, 1) eq 'T') { }
0 0 elsif (substr($value, 0, 1) eq 'H') { }
852 0 0 $$clipvaluetypes{$coord} =~ /[^0-9+\-\.]/ ? :
914 0 0 unless $linetype =~ /^\s*#/
972 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$coord}{'coord'}
975 0 0 if ($$datatypes{$coord} eq 'v') { }
0 0 elsif ($$datatypes{$coord} eq 't') { }
0 0 elsif ($$datatypes{$coord} eq 'f') { }
0 0 elsif ($$datatypes{$coord} eq 'c') { }
977 0 0 if (not $$valuetypes{$coord} or $$valuetypes{$coord} eq 'n') { }
985 0 0 if (not $$valuetypes{$coord} or $$valuetypes{$coord} eq 'tw') { }
1001 0 0 if ($$cellerrors{$coord})
1011 0 0 if $t or $r or $b or $l
1013 0 0 if $$cellattribs{$coord}{'layout'}
1015 0 0 if $$cellattribs{$coord}{'font'}
1017 0 0 if $$cellattribs{$coord}{'color'}
1019 0 0 if $$cellattribs{$coord}{'bgcolor'}
1021 0 0 if $$cellattribs{$coord}{'cellformat'}
1023 0 0 if $$cellattribs{$coord}{'textvalueformat'}
1025 0 0 if $$cellattribs{$coord}{'nontextvalueformat'}
1027 0 0 if $$cellattribs{$coord}{'colspan'}
1029 0 0 if $$cellattribs{$coord}{'rowspan'}
1031 0 0 if $$cellattribs{$coord}{'cssc'}
1033 0 0 if $$cellattribs{$coord}{'csss'}
1035 0 0 if $$cellattribs{$coord}{'mod'}
1045 0 0 if $$colattribs{$coord}{'width'}
1047 0 0 if $$colattribs{$coord}{'hide'}
1052 0 0 if $$rowattribs{$row}{'height'}
1054 0 0 if $$rowattribs{$row}{'hide'}
1061 0 0 if $value
1098 0 0 if ($$sheetdata{'clipboard'})
1110 0 0 if ($$clipdatatypes{$coord} eq 'v') { }
0 0 elsif ($$clipdatatypes{$coord} eq 't') { }
0 0 elsif ($$clipdatatypes{$coord} eq 'f') { }
0 0 elsif ($$clipdatatypes{$coord} eq 'c') { }
1112 0 0 if (not $$clipvaluetypes{$coord} or $$clipvaluetypes{$coord} eq 'n') { }
1120 0 0 if (not $$clipvaluetypes{$coord} or $$clipvaluetypes{$coord} eq 'tw') { }
1136 0 0 if ($$clipcellerrors{$coord})
1146 0 0 if $t or $r or $b or $l
1148 0 0 if $$clipcellattribs{$coord}{'layout'}
1150 0 0 if $$clipcellattribs{$coord}{'font'}
1152 0 0 if $$clipcellattribs{$coord}{'color'}
1154 0 0 if $$clipcellattribs{$coord}{'bgcolor'}
1156 0 0 if $$clipcellattribs{$coord}{'cellformat'}
1158 0 0 if $$clipcellattribs{$coord}{'textvalueformat'}
1160 0 0 if $$clipcellattribs{$coord}{'nontextvalueformat'}
1162 0 0 if $$clipcellattribs{$coord}{'colspan'}
1164 0 0 if $$clipcellattribs{$coord}{'rowspan'}
1166 0 0 if $$clipcellattribs{$coord}{'cssc'}
1168 0 0 if $$clipcellattribs{$coord}{'csss'}
1171 0 0 if $$clipcellattribs{$coord}{'mod'}
1242 0 679 unless $cmd1
1244 673 6 if ($cmd1 eq 'set') { }
2 4 elsif ($cmd1 =~ /^(?:erase|copy|cut|paste|fillright|filldown|sort)$/) { }
0 4 elsif ($cmd1 eq 'clearclipboard') { }
0 4 elsif ($cmd1 eq 'merge') { }
0 4 elsif ($cmd1 eq 'unmerge') { }
0 4 elsif ($cmd1 eq 'insertcol' or $cmd1 eq 'insertrow') { }
0 4 elsif ($cmd1 eq 'deletecol' or $cmd1 eq 'deleterow') { }
1 3 elsif ($cmd1 eq 'name') { }
1246 0 673 if ($what eq 'sheet') { }
0 673 elsif ($what =~ /^(\d+)(\:(\d+)){0,1}$/) { }
0 673 elsif ($what =~ /(^[a-zA-Z])([a-zA-Z])?(:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]?){0,1}$/) { }
673 0 elsif ($what =~ /([a-z]|[A-Z])([a-z]|[A-Z])?(\d+)/) { }
1247 0 0 if ($attrib eq 'defaultcolwidth') { }
0 0 elsif ($attrib eq 'defaultcolor' or $attrib eq 'defaultbgcolor') { }
0 0 elsif ($attrib eq 'defaultlayout') { }
0 0 elsif ($attrib eq 'defaultfont') { }
0 0 elsif ($attrib eq 'defaulttextformat' or $attrib eq 'defaultnontextformat') { }
0 0 elsif ($attrib eq 'defaulttextvalueformat' or $attrib eq 'defaultnontextvalueformat') { }
0 0 elsif ($attrib eq 'lastcol') { }
0 0 elsif ($attrib eq 'lastrow') { }
1251 0 0 if $rest
1252 0 0 unless ($colordef)
1253 0 0 if ($rest)
1254 0 0 unless scalar @$colors
1262 0 0 if $rest
1263 0 0 unless ($layoutdef)
1264 0 0 if ($rest)
1265 0 0 unless scalar @$layoutstyles
1273 0 0 if $rest eq '* * *'
1274 0 0 if $rest
1275 0 0 unless ($fontdef)
1276 0 0 if ($rest)
1277 0 0 unless scalar @$fonts
1286 0 0 if $rest
1287 0 0 unless ($formatdef)
1288 0 0 if ($rest)
1289 0 0 unless scalar @$cellformats
1298 0 0 if length $rest
1299 0 0 unless ($formatdef)
1300 0 0 if (length $rest)
1301 0 0 unless scalar @$valueformats
1309 0 0 if $$sheetattribs{'lastcol'} <= 0
1312 0 0 if $$sheetattribs{'lastrow'} <= 0
1316 0 0 if ($what =~ /^(.+?):(.+?)$/) { }
1323 0 0 if ($attrib eq 'hide') { }
1325 0 0 unless $$rowattribs{$r}
1335 0 0 if ($what =~ /(.+?):(.+?)/) { }
1342 0 0 if ($attrib eq 'width')
1345 0 0 unless $$colattribs{$colname}
1350 0 0 if ($attrib eq 'hide') { }
1353 0 0 unless $$colattribs{$colname}
1367 0 673 if $coord2
1368 12 661 if $c2 > $$sheetattribs{'lastcol'}
1369 623 50 if $r2 > $$sheetattribs{'lastrow'}
1374 14 659 if ($attrib eq 'value') { }
8 651 elsif ($attrib eq 'text') { }
648 3 elsif ($attrib eq 'formula') { }
1 2 elsif ($attrib eq 'constant') { }
1 1 elsif ($attrib eq 'empty') { }
0 1 elsif ($attrib =~ /^b[trbl]$/) { }
0 1 elsif ($attrib eq 'color' or $attrib eq 'bgcolor') { }
0 1 elsif ($attrib eq 'layout') { }
0 1 elsif ($attrib eq 'font') { }
0 1 elsif ($attrib eq 'cellformat') { }
0 1 elsif ($attrib eq 'textvalueformat' or $attrib eq 'nontextvalueformat') { }
0 1 elsif ($attrib eq 'cssc') { }
0 1 elsif ($attrib eq 'csss') { }
0 1 elsif ($attrib eq 'mod') { }
1375 14 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1384 8 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1394 647 1 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1404 1 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1408 0 1 if (substr($v1, 0, 1) eq 'e') { }
1424 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1427 0 0 if $rest
1428 0 0 unless ($borderdef)
1429 0 0 if ($rest)
1430 0 0 unless scalar @$borderstyles
1437 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1440 0 0 if $rest
1441 0 0 unless ($colordef)
1442 0 0 if ($rest)
1443 0 0 unless scalar @$colors
1450 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1453 0 0 if $rest
1454 0 0 unless ($layoutdef)
1455 0 0 if ($rest)
1456 0 0 unless scalar @$layoutstyles
1463 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1466 0 0 if $rest eq '* * *'
1467 0 0 if $rest
1468 0 0 unless ($fontdef)
1469 0 0 if ($rest)
1470 0 0 unless scalar @$fonts
1477 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1480 0 0 if $rest
1481 0 0 unless ($formatdef)
1482 0 0 if ($rest)
1483 0 0 unless scalar @$cellformats
1491 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1494 0 0 if length $rest
1495 0 0 unless ($formatdef)
1496 0 0 if (length $rest)
1497 0 0 unless scalar @$valueformats
1504 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1509 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1514 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1535 2 0 if $coord2
1536 0 2 if $c2 > $$sheetattribs{'lastcol'}
1537 1 1 if $r2 > $$sheetattribs{'lastrow'}
1539 0 2 if ($cmd1 eq 'erase') { }
0 2 elsif ($cmd1 eq 'fillright' or $cmd1 eq 'filldown') { }
1 1 elsif ($cmd1 eq 'copy' or $cmd1 eq 'cut') { }
1 0 elsif ($cmd1 eq 'paste') { }
0 0 elsif ($cmd1 eq 'sort') { }
1543 0 0 if ($rest eq 'all') { }
0 0 elsif ($rest eq 'formulas') { }
0 0 elsif ($rest eq 'formats') { }
1566 0 0 if ($cmd1 eq 'fillright') { }
1578 0 0 if ($fillright) { }
1587 0 0 if ($rest eq 'all' or $rest eq 'formats')
1590 0 0 if ($attribtype ne 'coord')
1596 0 0 if ($rest eq 'all' or $rest eq 'formulas')
1597 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1602 0 0 if ($$datatypes{$cr} eq 'f') { }
1637 3 0 if ($rest eq 'all' or $rest eq 'formats')
1642 0 3 if ($cmd1 eq 'cut')
1644 0 0 if $rest eq 'formats'
1647 3 0 if ($rest eq 'all' or $rest eq 'formulas')
1655 0 3 if ($cmd1 eq 'cut')
1665 1 0 $coord2 ? :
1667 0 1 if $cmd1 eq 'cut'
1672 0 1 unless ($crbase)
1684 0 1 unless $clipcoord2
1691 0 1 if $c1 + $numcols - 1 > $$sheetattribs{'lastcol'}
1693 0 1 if $r1 + $numrows - 1 > $$sheetattribs{'lastrow'}
1700 3 0 if ($rest eq 'all' or $rest eq 'formats')
1703 3 3 if ($attribtype ne 'coord')
1709 3 0 if ($rest eq 'all' or $rest eq 'formulas')
1710 0 3 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1715 0 3 if ($$datatypes{$cr} eq 'f') { }
1756 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$cr}{'coord'}
1789 0 0 if ($dirs[$i + 1] eq 'up') { }
1798 0 0 if ($ta eq 't') { }
0 0 elsif ($ta eq 'n') { }
0 0 elsif ($ta eq 'e') { }
0 0 elsif ($ta eq 'b') { }
1800 0 0 if ($tb eq 't') { }
0 0 elsif ($tb eq 'n') { }
0 0 elsif ($tb eq 'b') { }
0 0 elsif ($tb eq 'e') { }
1806 0 0 $dirs[$i + 1] eq 'up' ? :
1811 0 0 if ($tb eq 't') { }
0 0 elsif ($tb eq 'n') { }
0 0 elsif ($tb eq 'b') { }
0 0 elsif ($tb eq 'e') { }
1816 0 0 $dirs[$i + 1] eq 'up' ? :
1821 0 0 if ($tb eq 'e') { }
0 0 elsif ($tb eq 'b') { }
1824 0 0 $dirs[$i + 1] eq 'up' ? :
1829 0 0 if ($tb eq 'b') { }
1832 0 0 $dirs[$i + 1] eq 'up' ? :
1835 0 0 if $cresult
1847 0 0 unless ($$sortcellattribs{$sortedcr}{'coord'})
1859 0 0 if ($attribtype ne 'coord')
1867 0 0 if ($$sortdatatypes{$sortedcr} eq 'f') { }
1893 0 0 if $coord2
1894 0 0 if $c2 > $$sheetattribs{'lastcol'}
1895 0 0 if $r2 > $$sheetattribs{'lastrow'}
1897 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$coord1}{'coord'}
1901 0 0 if $c2 > $c1
1903 0 0 if $r2 > $r1
1911 0 0 unless $$cellattribs{$coord1}{'coord'}
1929 0 0 if ($cmd1 eq 'insertcol') { }
1952 0 0 unless ($$cellattribs{$coord})
1964 0 0 if ($attribtype ne 'coord')
1990 0 0 if ($$cellattribs{$crbase})
1993 0 0 if ($attribtype ne 'coord')
2003 0 0 if ($$datatypes{$cr} eq 'f')
2011 0 0 if ($$names{$name})
2014 0 0 if (substr($v1, 0, 1) eq '=')
2028 0 0 if ($attribtype ne 'coord')
2041 0 0 if ($attribtype ne 'coord')
2060 0 0 if $coord2
2065 0 0 if ($cmd1 eq 'deletecol') { }
2080 0 0 unless ($$cellattribs{$coord})
2092 0 0 if ($attribtype ne 'coord')
2106 0 0 if ($$datatypes{$cr} eq 'f')
2114 0 0 if ($$names{$name})
2117 0 0 if (substr($v1, 0, 1) eq '=')
2134 0 0 if ($attribtype ne 'coord')
2149 0 0 if ($attribtype ne 'coord')
2156 0 0 if ($cmd1 eq 'deletecol') { }
2157 0 0 if ($c1 <= $lastcol)
2159 0 0 if ($c2 <= $lastcol) { }
2166 0 0 if ($r1 <= $lastrow)
2168 0 0 if ($r2 <= $lastrow) { }
2181 1 0 if ($what eq 'define') { }
0 0 elsif ($what eq 'desc') { }
0 0 elsif ($what eq 'delete') { }
2182 0 1 $$names{$name} ? :
2185 0 0 if ($$names{$name}) { }
2218 52629 0 if $coord
2260 2 6 if not $linetype or $linetype =~ /^#/ or not $linetype =~ /\S/
2262 3 3 if ($linetype eq 'edit') { }
2403 17 3991 if (length $value == 0) { }
0 3991 elsif ($value =~ /^\s+$/) { }
3172 819 elsif ($tvalue =~ /^[-+]?\d*(?:\.)?\d*(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?$/) { }
21 798 elsif ($tvalue =~ /^[-+]?\d*(?:\.)?\d*\s*%$/) { }
0 798 elsif ($tvalue =~ /^[-+]?\$\s*\d*(?:\.)?\d*\s*$/ and $tvalue =~ /\d/) { }
0 798 elsif ($tvalue =~ /^[-+]?(\d*,\d*)+(?:\.)?\d*$/) { }
0 798 elsif ($tvalue =~ /^[-+]?(\d*,\d*)+(?:\.)?\d*\s*%$/) { }
0 798 elsif ($tvalue =~ /^[-+]?\$\s*(\d*,\d*)+(?:\.)?\d*$/ and $tvalue =~ /\d/) { }
32 766 elsif ($value =~ m[^(\d{1,2})[/\-](\d{1,2})[/\-](\d{1,4})\s*$]) { }
126 640 elsif ($value =~ m[^(\d{4})[/\-](\d{1,2})[/\-](\d{1,2})\s*$]) { }
77 563 elsif ($value =~ /^(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s*$/) { }
12 551 elsif ($value =~ /^(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s*$/) { }
54 497 elsif ($value =~ m[^\s*([-+]?\d+) (\d+)/(\d+)\s*$]) { }
0 497 elsif ($input_constants{uc $value}) { }
2435 5 27 $3 < 1000 ? :
2440 0 126 $1 < 1000 ? :
2446 77 0 if ($hour < 24 and $minute < 60)
2454 12 0 if ($hour < 24 and $minute < 60 and $second < 60)
2462 54 0 if ($denom > 0)
2492 0 2908 unless defined $criteria
2495 753 2155 if ($criteria =~ /^(<=|<>|<|=|>=|>)(.+?)$/) { }
2504 0 2908 unless ($basetype)
2505 0 0 if $comparitor eq 'none'
2506 0 0 if (substr($type, 0, 1) eq 'b') { }
2507 0 0 if $comparitor eq '='
2509 0 0 if $comparitor eq '<>'
2516 17 2891 if (substr($basetype, 0, 1) eq 'n' and substr($type, 0, 1) eq 't')
2520 15 2 if (substr($testtype, 0, 1) eq 'n')
2526 2618 290 if (substr($type, 0, 1) eq 'n' and substr($basetype, 0, 1) eq 'n') { }
0 290 elsif (substr($value, 0, 1) eq 'e') { }
0 290 elsif (substr($basetype, 0, 1) eq 'e') { }
2528 196 386 $value < $basevaluenum ? :
582 2036 if ($comparitor eq '<') { }
52 1984 elsif ($comparitor eq '<=') { }
1865 119 elsif ($comparitor eq '=' or $comparitor eq 'none') { }
21 98 elsif ($comparitor eq '>=') { }
98 0 elsif ($comparitor eq '>') { }
0 0 elsif ($comparitor eq '<>') { }
2529 28 24 $value <= $basevaluenum ? :
2531 341 1524 $value == $basevaluenum ? :
2533 6 15 $value >= $basevaluenum ? :
2535 65 33 $value > $basevaluenum ? :
2537 0 0 $value != $basevaluenum ? :
2544 0 290 if (substr($type, 0, 1) eq 'n')
2547 6 284 if (substr($basetype, 0, 1) eq 'n')
2556 0 0 $value lt $basevalue ? :
0 284 if ($comparitor eq '<') { }
0 284 elsif ($comparitor eq '<=') { }
0 284 elsif ($comparitor eq '=') { }
284 0 elsif ($comparitor eq 'none') { }
0 0 elsif ($comparitor eq '>=') { }
0 0 elsif ($comparitor eq '>') { }
0 0 elsif ($comparitor eq '<>') { }
2557 0 0 $value le $basevalue ? :
2558 0 0 $value eq $basevalue ? :
2560 21 263 $value =~ /^$basevalue/ ? :
2562 0 0 $value ge $basevalue ? :
2564 0 0 $value gt $basevalue ? :
2566 0 0 $value ne $basevalue ? :
2596 8622 15887 unless ($table1)
2598 226 8396 unless $table1
2601 15961 8322 if ($table1 =~ /\Q|$type2:\E(.*?)\|/)
2602 0 15961 if $1 eq '1'
2603 0 15961 if $1 eq '2'
2607 8322 0 if ($table1 =~ /\Q|$t2:\E(.*?)\|/)
2608 2304 6018 if $1 eq '1'
2609 693 5325 if $1 eq '2'
2684 773 54 if (@$operand) { }
2690 186 587 if ($type eq 'name')
2717 48009 889 if (substr($$tostype, 0, 1) eq 'n') { }
0 889 elsif (substr($$tostype, 0, 1) eq 'b') { }
97 792 elsif (substr($$tostype, 0, 1) eq 'e') { }
2726 604 188 if (substr($$tostype, 0, 1) eq 'n') { }
2750 2708 227 if (substr($$tostype, 0, 1) eq 't') { }
157 70 elsif (substr($$tostype, 0, 1) eq 'n') { }
70 0 elsif (substr($$tostype, 0, 1) eq 'b') { }
0 0 elsif (substr($$tostype, 0, 1) eq 'e') { }
2784 0 75829 unless ($stacklen)
2792 32 75797 if ($tostype eq 'name')
2797 3165 72664 if ($tostype eq 'range')
2801 19894 55935 if ($tostype eq 'coord')
2803 0 19894 if ($value =~ /^([^!]+)!(.+)$/)
2807 0 0 if ($$coordsheetdata{'loaderror'})
2817 260 19634 if ($tostype eq 'b')
2848 0 620 if ($sheet1)
2850 0 0 if ($$coordsheetdata{'loaderror'})
2857 0 620 if $c1 > $c2
2858 0 620 if $r1 > $r2
2877 0 16280 if $2
2891 511 50576 unless $row > 1
2892 6639 44448 unless $col > 1
2896 0 51087 if $col_high
3002 0 0 if ($ttype == $token_coord) { }
0 0 elsif ($ttype == $token_string) { }
0 0 elsif ($ttype == $token_op) { }
3005 0 0 unless $abscol
3007 0 0 unless $absrow
3009 0 0 if $abscol
3010 0 0 if $absrow
3012 0 0 if ($r < 1 or $c < 1)
3050 0 0 if ($ttype == $token_op)
3052 0 0 if ($ttext eq '!') { }
0 0 elsif ($ttext ne ':') { }
3060 0 0 if ($ttype == $token_coord) { }
0 0 elsif ($ttype == $token_string) { }
3062 0 0 if ($c == $col and $coloffset < 0 or $r == $row and $rowoffset < 0)
3064 0 0 unless $sheetref
3065 0 0 unless $sheetref
3068 0 0 if $c >= $col and not $sheetref
3070 0 0 if $r >= $row and not $sheetref
3072 0 0 if $abscol
3073 0 0 if $absrow
3075 0 0 if ($r < 1 or $c < 1)
3115 0 0 if ($$cellerrors{$cr})
3123 0 0 if ($valuetype eq 't') { }
0 0 elsif ($valuetype eq 'n') { }
3129 0 0 if ($valueformat eq 'formula')
3130 0 0 if ($$datatypes{$cr} eq 'f') { }
0 0 elsif ($$datatypes{$cr} eq 'c') { }
3146 0 0 if (length $valueformat == 0)
3150 0 0 if (length $valueformat == 0)
3153 0 0 if $valueformat eq 'none'
3154 0 0 if ($valueformat eq 'formula') { }
0 0 elsif ($valueformat eq 'forcetext') { }
3155 0 0 if ($$datatypes{$cr} eq 'f') { }
0 0 elsif ($$datatypes{$cr} eq 'c') { }
3164 0 0 if ($$datatypes{$cr} eq 'f') { }
0 0 elsif ($$datatypes{$cr} eq 'c') { }
3200 0 0 if $valueformat eq 'none'
3201 0 0 unless $valueformat =~ /^(text-|custom|hidden)/
3202 0 0 if (not $valueformat or $valueformat eq 'General')
3204 0 0 if $valuesubtype eq 'h'
3205 0 0 if $valuesubtype eq 'w'
3206 0 0 unless $valuesubtype
3208 0 0 if ($valueformat eq 'text-html') { }
0 0 elsif ($valueformat eq 'text-wiki') { }
0 0 elsif ($valueformat eq 'text-url') { }
0 0 elsif ($valueformat eq 'text-link') { }
0 0 elsif ($valueformat eq 'text-image') { }
0 0 elsif ($valueformat =~ /^text-custom\:/) { }
0 0 elsif ($valueformat =~ /^custom/) { }
0 0 elsif ($valueformat eq 'hidden') { }
3273 63 22 if ($valueformat eq 'Auto' or length $valueformat == 0)
3275 0 63 if ($valuesubtype eq '%') { }
0 63 elsif ($valuesubtype eq '$') { }
0 63 elsif ($valuesubtype eq 'dt') { }
0 63 elsif ($valuesubtype eq 'd') { }
0 63 elsif ($valuesubtype eq 't') { }
0 63 elsif ($valuesubtype eq 'l') { }
3292 0 85 if ($valueformat eq 'logical')
3293 0 0 $rawvalue ? :
3296 0 85 if ($valueformat eq 'hidden')
3356 1 84 $value < 0 ? :
3357 1 84 if $negativevalue
3358 0 85 $value == 0 ? :
3364 0 85 unless $thisformat
3369 0 85 if ($$thisformat{'hascomparison'}) { }
2 83 elsif ($section > 0) { }
3377 0 0 unless ($op)
3378 0 0 if ($gotcomparison)
3386 0 0 if ($op == $cmd_section)
3387 0 0 unless ($gotcomparison)
3394 0 0 if ($op == $cmd_comparison)
3397 0 0 if ($compop eq '<' and $rawvalue < $compval or $compop eq '<=' and $rawvalue <= $compval or $compop eq '<>' and $rawvalue != $compval or $compop eq '>=' and $rawvalue >= $compval or $compop eq '>' and $rawvalue > $compval)
3408 2 0 if ($section == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($section == 2) { }
3409 1 1 if ($negativevalue) { }
3416 0 0 if ($negativevalue) { }
0 0 elsif ($zerovalue) { }
3435 3 82 if ($commas > 0)
3440 2 83 if ($percent > 0)
3453 0 0 if $scaledvalue == 0 and $fractiondigits || $integerdigits
3458 0 85 if ($strvalue =~ /e/)
3468 12 73 if ($$thisformat{'sectioninfo'}[$section]{'hasdate'})
3470 0 12 if ($rawvalue < 0)
3492 0 12 if ($secs >= 60)
3496 0 0 if ($mins >= 60)
3500 0 0 if ($hrs >= 24)
3519 12 19 unless $op
3520 0 19 if $op == $cmd_section
3521 15 4 if ($op == $cmd_date) { }
0 4 elsif ($op != $cmd_copy) { }
3522 0 15 if (lc $operandstr eq 'am/pm' || lc $operandstr eq 'a/p' and not $ampmstr)
3524 0 0 if ($hrs >= 12) { }
3526 0 0 lc $operandstr eq 'a/p' ? :
3528 0 0 lc $operandstr eq 'a/p' ? :
3530 0 0 unless $operandstr =~ /$ampmstr/
3532 0 0 if ($minOK and $operandstr eq 'm' || $operandstr eq 'mm')
3536 0 15 if (substr($operandstr, 0, 1) eq 'h') { }
3550 12 38 unless $op
3551 0 38 if $op == $cmd_section
3552 30 8 if ($op == $cmd_date) { }
0 8 elsif ($op != $cmd_copy) { }
3553 0 0 if ($minOK and $operandstr eq 'm' || $operandstr eq 'mm')
3557 0 30 if ($operandstr eq 'ss') { }
3581 8 118 if ($op == $cmd_copy) { }
0 118 elsif ($op == $cmd_color) { }
0 118 elsif ($op == $cmd_style) { }
28 90 elsif ($op == $cmd_integer_placeholder) { }
8 82 elsif ($op == $cmd_fraction_placeholder) { }
3 79 elsif ($op == $cmd_decimal) { }
0 79 elsif ($op == $cmd_currency) { }
63 16 elsif ($op == $cmd_general) { }
15 1 elsif ($op == $cmd_date) { }
1 0 elsif ($op == $cmd_section) { }
0 0 elsif ($op == $cmd_comparison) { }
3594 0 28 if ($negativevalue)
3599 10 18 if ($integerdigits2 == 1)
3600 2 8 if (scalar @integervalue > $integerdigits)
3608 0 2 if ($thousandssep)
3610 0 0 if ($fromend > 2 and $fromend % 3 == 0)
3617 9 19 if (scalar @integervalue < $integerdigits and $integerdigits2 <= $integerdigits - scalar(@integervalue)) { }
3620 4 5 if ($operandstr eq '0' or $operandstr eq '?')
3622 4 0 $operandstr eq '0' ? :
3623 0 4 if ($thousandssep)
3625 0 0 if ($fromend > 2 and $fromend % 3 == 0)
3632 15 4 if ($thousandssep)
3634 3 12 if ($fromend > 2 and $fromend % 3 == 0)
3641 0 8 if ($fractionpos >= scalar @fractionvalue) { }
3642 0 0 if ($operandstr eq '0' or $operandstr eq '?')
3643 0 0 $operandstr eq '0' ? :
3652 0 3 if ($negativevalue)
3660 0 0 if ($negativevalue)
3669 0 63 if ($negativevalue)
3675 0 63 if ($strvalue =~ /e/)
3681 0 63 if $integervalue == 0
3689 63 0 if (scalar @integervalue) { }
3692 0 63 if ($thousandssep)
3694 0 0 if ($fromend > 2 and $fromend % 3 == 0)
3702 0 63 if (scalar @fractionvalue)
3712 1 14 if ($operandstrlc eq 'y' or $operandstrlc eq 'yy') { }
2 12 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'yyyy') { }
2 10 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'd') { }
1 9 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'dd') { }
2 7 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'ddd') { }
1 6 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'dddd') { }
1 5 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'm') { }
1 4 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'mm') { }
1 3 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'mmm') { }
2 1 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'mmmm') { }
1 0 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'mmmmm') { }
0 0 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'h') { }
0 0 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'h]') { }
0 0 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'mmin') { }
0 0 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'mm]') { }
0 0 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'min') { }
0 0 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'm]') { }
0 0 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'hh') { }
0 0 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 's') { }
0 0 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'ss') { }
0 0 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'am/pm' or $operandstrlc eq 'a/p') { }
0 0 elsif ($operandstrlc eq 'ss]') { }
3755 0 0 if ($emins < 100) { }
3777 0 0 if ($esecs < 100) { }
3800 0 85 if ($textcolor)
3803 0 85 if ($textstyle)
3837 64 21 if $$format_defs{$format_string}
3868 0 100 if ($inquote)
3869 0 0 if ($ch eq '"')
3878 0 100 if ($inbracket)
3879 0 0 if ($ch eq ']')
3882 0 0 if ($cmd == $cmd_separator)
3886 0 0 if ($cmd == $cmd_date)
3889 0 0 if ($cmd == $cmd_comparison)
3899 0 100 if ($lastwasslash)
3905 0 100 if ($lastwasasterisk)
3911 0 100 if ($lastwasunderscore)
3917 6 94 if ($ingeneral)
3918 6 0 if (substr('general', $ingeneral, 1) eq lc $ch)
3920 1 5 if ($ingeneral == 7)
3929 30 64 if ($indate)
3930 27 3 if (substr($indate, 0, 1) eq $ch)
3940 0 67 if ($ampmstr)
3942 0 0 if ('am/pm' =~ /^$ampmstr/i or 'a/p' =~ /^$ampmstr/i)
3943 0 0 if ('am/pm' eq lc $ampmstr or 'a/p' eq lc $ampmstr)
3952 32 35 if ($ch eq '#' or $ch eq '0' or $ch eq '?') { }
3 32 elsif ($ch eq '.') { }
0 32 elsif ($ch eq '$') { }
8 24 elsif ($ch eq ',') { }
2 22 elsif ($ch eq '%') { }
0 22 elsif ($ch eq '"') { }
0 22 elsif ($ch eq '[') { }
0 22 elsif ($ch eq '\\') { }
0 22 elsif ($ch eq '*') { }
0 22 elsif ($ch eq '_') { }
1 21 elsif ($ch eq ';') { }
1 20 elsif (lc $ch eq 'g') { }
0 20 elsif (lc $ch eq 'a') { }
15 5 elsif ($ch =~ /[dmyhHs]/) { }
3953 24 8 if ($integerpart) { }
3955 4 20 if ($$sectioninfo{'commas'})
3978 7 1 if ($lastwasinteger) { }
4033 12 9 if ($indate)
4055 0 0 if (substr($bracketstr, 0, 1) eq '$') { }
0 0 elsif ($bracketstr eq '?$') { }
0 0 elsif ($allowedcolors{uc $bracketstr}) { }
0 0 elsif ($bracketstr =~ /^style=([^"]*)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($bracketstr eq ',') { }
0 0 elsif ($alloweddates{uc $bracketstr}) { }
0 0 elsif ($bracketstr =~ /^[<>=]/) { }
4057 0 0 if ($bracketstr =~ /^\$(.+?)(\-.+?){0,1}$/) { }
4109 56835 50015 if not $$Sheet{'datatypes'}{$coord} or $$Sheet{'datatypes'}{$coord} ne 'f'
4113 16538 33477 if ($$Sheet{'checked'}{$coord})
4114 1 16537 if $$Sheet{'checked'}{$coord} == 1
4129 74497 86077 if ($ttype == $token_op)
4131 83 74414 if ($ttext eq '!') { }
73120 1294 elsif ($ttext ne ':') { }
4137 18891 141683 if ($ttype == $token_name)
4140 198 18693 if ($valuetype eq 'range')
4146 0 198 if $c1 > $c2
4147 0 198 if $r1 > $r2
4152 0 22980 if $circref
4159 19285 141289 if ($ttype == $token_coord)
4160 1272 18013 if ($i >= 2 and $$parsed_token_type[$i - 1] == $token_op and $$parsed_token_text[$i - 1] eq ':' and $$parsed_token_type[$i - 2] == $token_coord and not $sheetref) { }
17981 32 elsif (not $sheetref) { }
4167 0 1272 if $c1 > $c2
4168 0 1272 if $r1 > $r2
4174 1 13259 if $circref
4182 0 17981 if $circref
4191 2244 31233 if ($errortext) { }
1 31232 elsif ($$Sheet{'cellerrors'}{$coord}) { }
4248 327791 0 $c >= 32 ? :
327791 0 $c <= 127 ? :
4250 52495 275296 if ($state == $state_num)
4251 14022 38473 if ($cclass == $char_class_num) { }
1711 36762 elsif ($cclass == $char_class_numstart and index($str, '.') == -1) { }
6 36756 elsif ($ucchrc eq 'E') { }
4266 17 327774 if ($state == $state_numexp1)
4267 6 11 if ($cclass == $state_num) { }
5 6 elsif ($chrc eq '+' || $chrc eq '-' and uc substr($str, -1) eq 'E') { }
6 0 elsif ($ucchrc eq 'E') { }
4282 12 327779 if ($state == $state_numexp2)
4283 6 6 if ($cclass == $char_class_num) { }
4293 93530 234261 if ($state == $state_alpha)
4294 20212 73318 if ($cclass == $char_class_num) { }
55162 18156 elsif ($cclass == $char_class_alpha) { }
6 18150 elsif ($cclass == $char_class_incoord) { }
18135 15 elsif ($cclass == $char_class_op or $cclass == $char_class_numstart or $cclass == $char_class_space or $cclass == $char_class_eof) { }
4317 55226 272565 if ($state == $state_coord)
4318 35002 20224 if ($cclass == $char_class_num) { }
6 20218 elsif ($cclass == $char_class_incoord) { }
0 20218 elsif ($cclass == $char_class_alpha) { }
20041 177 elsif ($cclass == $char_class_op or $cclass == $char_class_numstart or $cclass == $char_class_eof) { }
4327 19285 756 if ($str =~ /^\$?[A-Z]{1,2}\$?[1-9]\d*$/) { }
4344 0 327791 if ($state == $state_alphanumeric)
4345 0 0 if ($cclass == $char_class_num or $cclass == $char_class_alpha) { }
0 0 elsif ($cclass == $char_class_op or $cclass == $char_class_numstart or $cclass == $char_class_space or $cclass == $char_class_eof) { }
4364 27450 300341 if ($state == $state_string) { }
6250 294091 elsif ($state == $state_stringquote) { }
4365 6250 21200 if ($cclass == $char_class_quote) { }
4373 2 6248 if ($cclass == $char_class_quote) { }
4385 194419 133372 if ($state == 0)
4386 36762 157657 if ($cclass == $char_class_num or $cclass == $char_class_numstart) { }
38368 119289 elsif ($cclass == $char_class_alpha or $cclass == $char_class_incoord) { }
74759 44530 elsif ($cclass == $char_class_op) { }
6248 38282 elsif ($cclass == $char_class_quote) { }
4603 33679 elsif ($cclass == $char_class_space) { }
33573 106 elsif ($cclass == $char_class_eof) { }
4395 74505 254 if (@$parsed_token_type) { }
4398 13637 60868 if ($last_token_type == $char_class_op)
4399 166 13471 if ($last_token_text eq '<' or $last_token_text eq '>')
4404 166 0 if (@$parsed_token_type) { }
4420 6608 68151 if (@$parsed_token_type == 0 or $last_token_type == $char_class_op and $last_token_text ne ')' and $last_token_text ne '%') { }
166 67985 elsif (length $str > 1) { }
4426 2284 4324 if ($str eq '-') { }
9 4315 elsif ($str eq '+') { }
3635 680 elsif ($str eq ')' and $last_token_text eq '(') { }
96 584 elsif ($str ne '(') { }
4441 23 143 if ($str eq '>=') { }
25 118 elsif ($str eq '<=') { }
118 0 elsif ($str eq '<>') { }
4515 62224 97950 if ($ttype == $token_num or $ttype == $token_coord or $ttype == $token_string) { }
18891 79059 elsif ($ttype == $token_name) { }
4360 74699 elsif ($ttype == $token_space) { }
12867 61832 elsif ($ttext eq ',') { }
19499 42333 elsif ($ttext eq '(') { }
19377 22956 elsif ($ttext eq ')') { }
22668 288 elsif ($ttype == $token_op) { }
288 0 elsif ($ttype == $token_error) { }
4529 0 12867 if (@parsestack == 0)
4540 0 19377 if (@parsestack == 0)
4545 18470 907 if (@parsestack and $$parsed_token_type[$parsestack[@parsestack - 1]] == $token_name)
4551 81 22587 if (@parsestack and $$parsed_token_type[$parsestack[@parsestack - 1]] == $token_name)
4563 570 2967 if ($tprecedence >= 0 and $tprecedence < $tstackprecedence) { }
113 2854 elsif ($tprecedence < 0) { }
4567 0 113 if $tstackprecedence < 0
4568 113 0 if ($tprecedence <= $tstackprecedence)
4584 122 13376 if ($$parsed_token_text[$parsestack[@parsestack - 1]] eq '(')
4610 18891 103661 if ($revpolish[$i] == $function_start)
4619 36713 66948 if ($ttype == $token_num) { }
19263 47685 elsif ($ttype == $token_coord) { }
6248 41437 elsif ($ttype == $token_string) { }
22668 18769 elsif ($ttype == $token_op) { }
18769 0 elsif ($ttype == $token_name) { }
4636 0 22668 if (@operand <= 0)
4643 2284 20384 if ($ttext eq 'M') { }
9 20375 elsif ($ttext eq 'P') { }
252 20123 elsif ($ttext eq '%') { }
378 19745 elsif ($ttext eq '&') { }
1283 18462 elsif ($ttext eq ':') { }
83 18379 elsif ($ttext eq '!') { }
2718 15661 elsif ($ttext =~ /[N]/) { }
4674 0 378 if (@operand == 1)
4691 0 1283 if (@operand == 1)
4706 0 83 if (@operand == 1)
4722 0 2718 if (@operand == 1)
4733 2346 372 if (substr($tostype, 0, 1) eq 'n' and substr($tostype2, 0, 1) eq 'n') { }
146 226 elsif (substr($tostype, 0, 1) eq 'e') { }
0 226 elsif (substr($tostype2, 0, 1) eq 'e') { }
4736 102 0 $value1 < $value2 ? :
102 2244 if ($ttext eq '<') { }
25 2219 elsif ($ttext eq 'L') { }
1987 232 elsif ($ttext eq '=') { }
23 209 elsif ($ttext eq 'G') { }
148 61 elsif ($ttext eq '>') { }
61 0 elsif ($ttext eq 'N') { }
4737 25 0 $value1 <= $value2 ? :
4738 1676 311 $value1 == $value2 ? :
4739 0 23 $value1 >= $value2 ? :
4740 124 24 $value1 > $value2 ? :
4741 30 31 $value1 != $value2 ? :
4748 29 197 if (substr($tostype, 0, 1) eq 'n')
4751 34 192 if (substr($tostype2, 0, 1) eq 'n')
4761 43 0 $value1u8 lt $value2u8 ? :
43 183 if ($ttext eq '<') { }
0 183 elsif ($ttext eq 'L') { }
106 77 elsif ($ttext eq '=') { }
0 77 elsif ($ttext eq 'G') { }
20 57 elsif ($ttext eq '>') { }
57 0 elsif ($ttext eq 'N') { }
4762 0 0 $value1u8 le $value2u8 ? :
4763 69 37 $value1u8 eq $value2u8 ? :
4764 0 0 $value1u8 ge $value2u8 ? :
4765 20 0 $value1u8 gt $value2u8 ? :
4766 0 57 $value1u8 ne $value2u8 ? :
4774 231 15430 if (@operand == 1)
4783 2397 13264 if ($ttext eq '+') { }
760 12504 elsif ($ttext eq '-') { }
8831 3673 elsif ($ttext eq '*') { }
2961 712 elsif ($ttext eq '/') { }
712 0 elsif ($ttext eq '^') { }
4796 2044 917 if ($value2 != 0) { }
4830 1 33476 if ($tostype eq 'name')
4835 6975 26502 if ($tostype eq 'coord')
4839 0 6975 if $tostype eq 'b'
4842 34 33443 if (scalar @operand > 1)
4850 1945 31532 if (substr($tostype, 0, 1) eq 'e') { }
0 31532 elsif ($tostype eq 'range') { }
4855 0 0 unless ($allowrangereturn)
4860 299 33178 if ($errortext and substr($valuetype, 0, 1) ne 'e')
4867 0 22225 if (substr($tostype, 0, 1) eq 'n' and defined $value and $value =~ /1\.#INF/)
4894 0 1283 if ($tostype eq 'name')
4899 1234 49 if ($tostype eq 'coord') { }
4931 83 0 if ($$othersheetdata{'loaderror'})
4937 0 0 if ($tostype eq 'name')
4942 0 0 if ($tostype eq 'coord') { }
0 0 elsif ($tostype eq 'range') { }
4978 49 1234 unless ($value1)
4985 0 1234 if ($value1 =~ /^.*!([^\|]+)$/)
4987 0 0 if ($$othersheetdata{'loaderror'})
4994 0 1234 if ($tostype eq 'name')
4998 1223 11 if ($tostype eq 'coord') { }
5027 17 66 if ($tostype eq 'name')
5031 17 0 unless ($lookupname)
5037 21 45 if ($tostype eq 'coord')
5045 0 66 if (substr($tostype, 0, 1) eq 't') { }
5070 399 18728 if (defined $$names{uc $name}) { }
5074 0 399 if (substr($value, 0, 1) eq '=')
5076 0 0 if (not $$sheetdata{'checknamecirc'}) { }
5081 0 0 if ($$sheetdata{'checknamecirc'}{$name})
5095 0 0 if $startedwalk
5097 0 0 if ($$valuetype ne 'range')
5102 396 3 if ($value =~ /^(.*)\:(.*)$/) { }
5133 0 0 if $sheet1
5137 0 0 if $c1 > $c2
5138 0 0 if $r1 > $r2
5140 0 0 if length $sequence == 0
5146 0 0 if ($count > $sequence)
5148 0 0 unless $sequence < 0
5180 0 3165 if $c1 > $c2
5181 0 3165 if $r1 > $r2
5187 3165 5462 if ($count > $sequence)
5188 2243 922 unless $r == $r2 and $c == $c2
5210 0 0 unless $1
5212 0 0 if $2
5226 0 0 $col > 1 ? :
5230 0 0 if $col_high
5306 83 0 unless ($datafilename =~ /^http:/i)
5310 0 83 if ($$sdsc{'sheets'}{$datafilename})
5325 83 0 if $loaderror