Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 41 181 22.6

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
79 0 0 0 $^O =~ /MSWin/ and $uid == (eval {
0 0 0 $^O =~ /MSWin/ and $uid == (eval {
443 4865766 0 0 not defined $fullname and $is_MSWin
458 0 0 378172 defined $fullname && -r _ && -x _
0 378168 4 not $is_MSWin and (stat _)[7] == 0
705 0 0 0 $$opts{"allsheets"} and not &_openlibre_supports_allsheets()
706 0 0 0 $$opts{"sheetname"} and not &_openlibre_supports_named_sheet()
1097 2 0 0 $embedded_sheetname and $sheetname
2 0 0 $embedded_sheetname and $sheetname and $embedded_sheetname ne $sheetname
1151 0 0 0 defined $sheetname and $sheetname ne $opts{"sheetname"}
1160 2 0 0 $key && $key eq 'inpath'
1455 0 0 0 $$opts{"sheetname"} and not &_openlibre_supports_named_sheet()
1472 0 0 0 $$opts{"sheetname"} and &_ssconvert_supports_writing($$opts{"cvt_to"})
1604 0 0 0 $opts{"outpath"} and -e $opts{"outpath"}
0 0 0 $opts{"outpath"} and -e $opts{"outpath"} and not -d _
1699 2 0 0 exists $opts{"path"} and not $opts{"silent"}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
73 4 0 eval {
79 0 0 eval {
81 0 0 $ENV{'LOGONSERVER'} || ''
134 0 0 $lines[-1] // ""
350 0 0 $SIG{$_} // undef
526 0 1 &openlibreoffice_path() // (return $hash = {"available", 0})
757 0 0 $$cf[$ix] // 1
775 0 0 $$opts{"sep_char"} // ","
0 0 $$opts{"quote_char"} // "\""
862 0 0 $$opts{"sep_char"} // ","
0 0 $$opts{"quote_char"} // "\""
1138 2 2 $opts{$thiskey} || (next)
1173 0 0 shift() // ""
1600 0 0 $opts{"cvt_to"} // ""

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
73 0 0 4 $uid //= eval {
75 1 3 0 $$answer{$uid} //= do {
77 3 0 0 getpwuid $uid // $uid
79 3 0 0 eval {
165 0 0 0 delete $$opts{"lockfile_fh"} // &oops()
338 0 0 0 not $Saved_Sigs{$_[0]} or $Saved_Sigs{$_[0]} eq "DEFAULT"
452 377396 776 4487594 -d _ or -l _
458 0 4 378168 not defined $fullname && -r _ && -x _ or not $is_MSWin and (stat _)[7] == 0
4 0 378168 not defined $fullname && -r _ && -x _ or not $is_MSWin and (stat _)[7] == 0 or /\$/
4 0 378168 not defined $fullname && -r _ && -x _ or not $is_MSWin and (stat _)[7] == 0 or /\$/ or not -r $fullname
0 630 377538 not defined $fullname && -r _ && -x _ or not $is_MSWin and (stat _)[7] == 0 or /\$/ or not -r $fullname or not -x _
630 0 377538 not defined $fullname && -r _ && -x _ or not $is_MSWin and (stat _)[7] == 0 or /\$/ or not -r $fullname or not -x _ or m[^/snap/(?!.*ffice)]
630 12 377526 not defined $fullname && -r _ && -x _ or not $is_MSWin and (stat _)[7] == 0 or /\$/ or not -r $fullname or not -x _ or m[^/snap/(?!.*ffice)] or m[^/(proc|dev|sys|tmp|boot|run|lost+found|usr/(include|src))$]
488 0 0 0 &first(sub {
581 0 0 0 &can_extract_allsheets() or &_openlibre_supports_named_sheet()
624 0 0 0 $_[0]{"outpath"} // &oops()
648 1 1 0 $tempdir //= do {
709 0 0 0 &openlibreoffice_path() // &oops()
748 0 0 0 $$opts{"soffice_infilter"} //= do {
758 0 0 0 /^([123459]|10)$/ or s/^standard$/1/i
0 0 0 /^([123459]|10)$/ or s/^standard$/1/i or s/^text$/2/i
0 0 0 /^([123459]|10)$/ or s/^standard$/1/i or s/^text$/2/i or s[^M+/D+/Y+$][3]i
0 0 0 /^([123459]|10)$/ or s/^standard$/1/i or s/^text$/2/i or s[^M+/D+/Y+$][3]i or s[^D+/M+/Y+$][4]i
0 0 0 /^([123459]|10)$/ or s/^standard$/1/i or s/^text$/2/i or s[^M+/D+/Y+$][3]i or s[^D+/M+/Y+$][4]i or s[^Y+/M+/D+$][5]i
0 0 0 /^([123459]|10)$/ or s/^standard$/1/i or s/^text$/2/i or s[^M+/D+/Y+$][3]i or s[^D+/M+/Y+$][4]i or s[^Y+/M+/D+$][5]i or s/^ignore$/9/i
0 0 0 /^([123459]|10)$/ or s/^standard$/1/i or s/^text$/2/i or s[^M+/D+/Y+$][3]i or s[^D+/M+/Y+$][4]i or s[^Y+/M+/D+$][5]i or s/^ignore$/9/i or s/^US.*English$/10/i
814 0 0 0 $$opts{"soffice_outfilter"} //= do {
1073 0 4 0 $base // $p->basename
1099 0 0 2 $sheetname //= $embedded_sheetname
1124 2 0 0 $leading_inpath // croak("No inpath was specified")
1178 0 0 0 /^:(utf8)$/ or /^:encoding\(([^\)]+)\)$/
1597 2 0 0 $opts{"cvt_from"} eq "csv" or $opts{"cvt_to"} eq "csv"
1645 0 0 0 $@ or not $s
1700 2 0 0 $opts{"inpath"} //= delete $opts{"path"}
1709 2 0 0 $$h{"outpath"} // &oops()