Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 30 76.6

line true false branch
30 0 5 if $@
56 7 37 if (/:btw=(.*)/) { }
0 37 elsif (/:btwN=(.*)/) { }
96 12 2 defined $r ? :
11 3 @_ && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
111 7 4 ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? :
112 0 11 if wantarray
113 1 10 if (my $is_sequential = @items >= 4)
116 1 0 unless defined $_ and /^\w+$/ and ($seq //= $items[0])++ eq $_
119 0 1 if ($is_sequential)
129 5 16 $_ > 0 && (ref $items[$_ - 1] ne 'SCALAR' || ${$items[$_ - 1];} eq '') && (ref $item ne 'SCALAR' || ${$item;} eq '') ? :
5 16 ref $item eq 'SCALAR' ? :
169 0 66 unless defined $frame[0]
171 0 66 unless my($called_pkg) = $frame[3] =~ /^(.*)::/
174 14 52 if ($called_pkg ne "Spreadsheet::Edit::Log" and &$callback($state, \@frame))