Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 28 71.4

line true false branch
135 0 27 unless defined $opts->{'url'}
146 0 31 unless ($opts->{'validate'}->($content))
151 25 2 if $content
165 0 6 if grep {$_ == $season;} @Sport::Analytics::NHL::Scraper::LOCKOUT_SEASONS
168 4 2 if ($season == $Sport::Analytics::NHL::Scraper::CURRENT_SEASON or not -f $schedule_json_file)
171 2 2 unless ($schedule_json)
175 0 2 unless ($schedule_json)
181 0 4 unless (-f $schedule_json_file)
227 7 35 if $doc->{'disabled'}
228 0 35 if $opts->{'game_files'} and not $opts->{'game_files'}{$doc}
229 14 21 if $game->{'season'} < $Sport::Analytics::NHL::Scraper::FIRST_REPORT_SEASONS{$doc->{'name'}}
234 0 21 if (-f $file and not $opts->{'force'})
243 0 21 unless ($content)
247 14 7 unless $doc->{'extension'} eq 'json'