Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 26 69.2

line true false branch
24 0 3 unless $module =~ /::/
25 0 3 unless $module =~ /\A\w+(::\w+)*\z/
26 0 3 if $@
33 0 21 @_ ? :
34 0 21 @_ ? :
41 0 21 if $ENV{'DEBUG'} and $dt_a
43 0 21 if $ENV{'DEBUG'} and $dt_b
46 12 9 if ($dt_a and $dt_b) { }
2 7 elsif ($dt_a and not $dt_b) { }
7 0 elsif (not $dt_a and $dt_b) { }
48 9 3 if $cmp
57 2 1 if ($is_ci) { }
64 9 12 $is_reverse ? :