Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 51 101 50.5

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
694 0 137 $self->storeComment and return undef

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
178 2 0 0 ref $file and ref $file ne 'GLOB'
251 3 0 32 $b eq "\000\000" || $b eq "\cA\000" || $b eq "\000\cA" and $c ne "\376"
352 4 3 0 $res and $res ne ' '
366 150 0 0 $$self{'Ref'}{$ref} and $$self{'TREE'}
404 100 0 50 $$self{'Ref'}{$ref} and $$self{'TREE'}
532 30 4 26 $b eq "\000\000" || $b eq "\cA\000" || $b eq "\000\cA" and $u ne "\376"
607 0 89 0 $c = $self->get and $c =~ /\s/ || $c eq $bom
614 2 0 4 $c = $self->get and $c =~ /\s/
625 0 0 0 $c = $self->get and $c =~ /\s/
637 0 0 0 $c = $self->get and $c =~ /\s/
645 0 0 0 $x = $self->get and $x =~ /\s/
661 0 0 0 $c = $self->get and $c =~ /\s/
674 37 0 4 $c = $self->get and $c =~ /\s/
692 17703 0 0 @_ and $_[0]
0 0 0 @_ and $_[0] and $_[0] != ''
707 17488 0 78 $c eq '#' and not $$self{'String'}
17488 0 78 $c eq '#' and not $$self{'String'} and not $$self{'Escape'}
720 107 15781 1678 $c and $c eq "\n"
724 17566 0 0 not defined $c and $$self{'Debug'}
746 0 12 3 $target and not $target =~ /^->/
756 0 95 6 $target and not $target =~ /^->/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
229 0 0 open $fh, '<:utf8', $file or die "Can't open perlIO: $!"
230 12 0 open $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't open perlIO: $!"
372 150 0 $tree || '->'
410 75 25 $tree || '->'
510 2 0 open $fh, '<:utf8', $file or die "Can't open perlIO: $!"
511 12 0 open $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't open perlIO: $!"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
251 26 6 3 $b eq "\000\000" || $b eq "\cA\000" || $b eq "\000\cA"
411 75 1 24 $deep or not $$self{'Libsofucompat'}
414 0 0 225 not $wkey or $wkey =~ /[\=\"\}\{\(\)\s\n]/
432 75 1 24 $deep or not $$self{'Libsofucompat'}
532 26 4 30 $b eq "\000\000" || $b eq "\cA\000" || $b eq "\000\cA"
607 50 0 39 $c =~ /\s/ || $c eq $bom
646 0 0 0 $x eq '!' or $x eq 'S'
0 0 0 $x eq '!' or $x eq 'S' or $x eq '?'