Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 139 200 69.5

line true false branch
96 31 104 if (exists $encoding{lc $id})
100 104 0 if ($encoding[int $id])
122 9 49 if ($bo =~ /le/i)
127 10 39 if ($bo =~ /be/i)
132 19 20 if ($bo =~ /7/)
138 0 20 if ($bo =~ /Force/i)
164 29 29 if ($bo == 1)
169 10 19 if ($bo == 256)
170 10 0 if (1 == CORE::unpack('S', "\cA\000")) { }
180 19 0 if ($bo == 0)
200 0 39 if $i > 65535
201 39 0 if $$self{'SHORT'}
202 0 0 if $i > 16383
215 0 4350 if $i > 4294967295
216 2925 1425 if $$self{'LONG'}
217 0 1425 if $i > 268435455
229 39 19 if ($$self{'SHORT'})
278 0 1914 unless $type
279 547 1367 if ($type eq 'S')
281 0 547 if not $str or $str ne 'ofu'
284 0 1914 unless defined $type
286 0 1914 if $type > 4
300 0 160 if $e->valid
303 0 160 if $target and not $target =~ /^->/
304 160 0 if $$self{'Ref'}{$target}
322 0 52 if $target and not $target =~ /^->/
324 52 0 if $$self{'Ref'}{$target}
337 58 4350 unless defined $i
338 2925 1425 if $$self{'LONG'}
354 58 3828 unless defined $len
355 1798 2030 if $len == 0
373 0 1972 unless defined $t
374 1740 232 if $t eq ''
375 128 104 if (ref $tree) { }
442 0 78 unless defined $len
443 0 78 if $len == 0
447 0 104 unless defined $key
452 26 78 if $type == 4
472 0 156 unless defined $len
473 0 156 if $len == 0
480 26 598 if $type == 4
498 26 832 if ($type == 0) { }
546 286 elsif ($type == 1) { }
156 130 elsif ($type == 2) { }
78 52 elsif ($type == 3) { }
52 0 elsif ($type == 4) { }
531 0 26 unless defined $encoding
541 0 130 if $type == 4
612 0 0 unless defined $len
613 0 0 if $len == 0
616 0 0 unless defined $key
621 0 0 if $type == 4
645 0 96 unless defined $len
646 0 96 if $len == 0
651 0 128 unless defined $key
658 32 96 if $type == 4
678 0 0 unless defined $len
679 0 0 if $len == 0
684 0 0 if $type == 4
708 0 192 unless defined $len
709 0 192 if $len == 0
716 128 640 if $type == 4
733 32 1024 if ($type == 0) { }
576 448 elsif ($type == 1) { }
192 256 elsif ($type == 2) { }
96 160 elsif ($type == 3) { }
160 0 elsif ($type == 4) { }
765 0 32 unless defined $encoding
775 0 160 if $type == 4
796 759 1155 if ($$self{'Mark'})
797 547 212 if rand() < $$self{'Mark'}
811 238 2030 if not defined $text or $text eq ''
827 286 572 if (ref $data) { }
829 156 130 if ($r eq 'ARRAY') { }
130 0 elsif ($r eq 'HASH') { }
838 52 234 if ($$self{'SEEN'}{$data})
843 546 26 if (defined $data) { }
851 78 156 if ($type == 3)
1087 26 26 if $r and $r =~ /Data::Sofu::/ and $data->isa('Data::Sofu::Object')
1088 0 26 unless ref $data and ref $data eq 'HASH'
1092 0 26 unless defined $comments
1093 0 26 unless ref $comments and ref $comments eq 'HASH'
1136 0 26 unless $r and $r =~ /Data::Sofu::/ and $data->isa('Data::Sofu::Object')
1139 0 26 unless ($data->isMap)
1147 26 0 unless defined $comments
1148 0 26 unless ref $comments and ref $comments eq 'HASH'
1176 0 858 unless $r and $r =~ /Data::Sofu/ and $r->isa('Data::Sofu::Object')
1178 130 728 if ($data->isReference and $data->valid)
1181 0 858 if ($data->isReference)
1185 130 728 if ($$self{'SEEN'}{$data})
1192 468 260 if ($data->isValue)
1195 78 182 if ($data->isMap)
1198 156 26 if ($data->isList)
1257 208 1560 if ($$self{'Comments'}{$tree} or $add) { }
1260 104 104 if ref $$self{'Comments'}{$tree} and ref $$self{'Comments'}{$tree} eq 'ARRAY'
1261 104 0 if $add and ref $add and ref $add eq 'ARRAY'
1281 6 52 unless $encoding
1282 20 38 unless $byteorder
1283 39 19 unless $self->byteorder($byteorder)
1289 51 7 if $mark or not defined $mark