Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 52 78.8

line true false branch
66 1 13 unless $opts{'rester'}
71 13 0 if $$self{'page'}
85 0 13 unless $page
88 0 13 unless $wikitext
109 28 55 if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { }
17 38 elsif ($line =~ /^(\^\^*)\s+(.+?):?\s*$/) { }
19 19 elsif ($line =~ /^[#\*]\s+(.+)/) { }
8 11 elsif ($line =~ /^\|\s*(.+?)\s*\|$/) { }
130 0 8 if $DEBUG
148 0 17 if $DEBUG
153 0 4 if $DEBUG
157 6 11 if ($heading_level > @{$$self{'parent_stack'};}) { }
158 5 1 if ($cur_heading) { }
159 0 5 if $DEBUG
165 1 4 if $cur_heading and $$old_obj{$cur_heading}
174 0 1 if $DEBUG
178 0 11 if $DEBUG
179 0 11 if $DEBUG and $cur_heading
186 0 17 if $DEBUG
195 8 3 if ($cur_heading) { }
196 1 7 if (ref $$self{'base_obj'}{$cur_heading} eq 'ARRAY') { }
1 6 elsif (ref $$self{'base_obj'}{$cur_heading} eq 'HASH') { }
238 23 4 if (not exists $$bobj{$field} or ref $$bobj{$field} eq 'ARRAY') { }
2 2 elsif (ref $$bobj{$field} eq 'HASH') { }
262 6 11 if $len < $heading
264 3 5 $heading == $big ? :