Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 30 46.6

line true false branch
47 6808 3205 if ref $class
50 0 10013 unless $sacctmgr and ref $sacctmgr
66 0 11285 unless $sacctmgr and ref $sacctmgr
80 12163 82402 if defined $val and $val eq ''
105 0 10013 unless $sacctmgr and ref $sacctmgr
114 0 13251 unless defined $val
122 0 9467 unless ($list and ref $list)
146 0 6808 unless $sacctmgr and ref $sacctmgr
151 0 6552 unless $list and ref $list eq 'ARRAY'
152 538 6014 unless scalar @$list
154 0 6014 if (scalar @$list > 1)
177 0 0 unless $sacctmgr and ref $sacctmgr
183 0 0 unless $list and ref $list eq 'ARRAY'
184 0 0 unless scalar @$list
186 0 0 if (scalar @$list > 1)